Exits unconditionally from a query or procedure. RETURN is immediate and complete and can be used at any point to exit from a procedure, batch, or statement block. Statements following RETURN are not executed.
RETURN [ integer_expression ]
Is the integer value returned. Stored procedures can return an integer value to a calling procedure or an application.
Optionally returns int.
Note Unless documented otherwise, all system stored procedures return a value of 0, which indicates success; a nonzero value indicates failure.
When used with a stored procedure, RETURN cannot return a null value. If a procedure attempts to return a null value (for example, using RETURN @status and @status is NULL), a warning message is generated and a value of 0 is returned.
The return status value can be included in subsequent Transact-SQL statements in the batch or procedure that executed the current procedure, but it must be entered in the following form:
EXECUTE @return_status = procedure_name
Note Whether Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 interprets an empty string (NULL) as either a single space or as a true empty string is controlled by the compatibility level setting. If the compatibility level is less than or equal to 65, SQL Server interprets empty strings as single spaces. If the compatibility level is equal to 70, SQL Server interprets empty strings as empty strings. For more information, see sp_dbcmptlevel.
This example shows if no username is given as a parameter when findjobs is executed, RETURN causes the procedure to exit after a message has been sent to the user's screen. If a username is given, the names of all objects created by this user in the current database are retrieved from the appropriate system tables.
CREATE PROCEDURE findjobs @nm sysname = NULL
PRINT 'You must give a username'
SELECT o.name, o.id, o.uid
FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN master..syslogins l
ON o.uid = l.sid
WHERE l.name = @nm
This example checks the state for the specified author's ID. If the state is California (CA), a status of 1 is returned. Otherwise, 2 is returned for any other condition (a value other than CA for state or an au_id that did not match a row).
CREATE PROCEDURE checkstate @param varchar(11)
IF (SELECT state FROM authors WHERE au_id = @param) = 'CA'
The following examples show the return status from the execution of checkstate. The first shows an author in California; the second, an author not in California; and the third, an invalid author. The @return_status local variable must be declared before it can be used.
DECLARE @return_status int
EXEC @return_status = checkstate '172-32-1176'
SELECT 'Return Status' = @return_status
Here is the result set:
Return Status
Execute the query again, specifying a different author number.
DECLARE @return_status int
EXEC @return_status = checkstate '648-92-1872'
SELECT 'Return Status' = @return_status
Here is the result set:
Return Status
Execute the query again, specifying another author number.
DECLARE @return_status int
EXEC @return_status = checkstate '12345678901'
SELECT 'Return Status' = @return_status
Here is the result set:
Return Status