Returns trace file information in a table format.
fn_trace_gettable( [ @filename = ] filename , [ @numfiles = ] number_files )
[ @filename = ] filename
Specifies the initial trace to be read. filename is nvarchar(256), with no default.
[ @numfiles = ] number_files
Specifies the number of rollover files, including the initial file specified in filename, to be read. number_files is int. Users may specify the default value "default" to tell SQL Server to read all rollover files until the end of the trace.
SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('c:\my_trace.trc', default)
SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable(('c:\my_trace.trc', -1)
fn_trace_gettable returns a table with all the valid columns. For information, see sp_trace_setevent.
This example calls the function as part of a SELECT..INTO statement and returns a table that can be loaded into SQL Profiler.
USE pubs
SELECT * INTO temp_trc
FROM ::fn_trace_gettable(c:\my_trace.trc", default)