Error |
Severity |
Description (Message Text) |
15001 |
16 |
Object '%ls' does not exist or is not a valid object for this operation. |
15002 |
16 |
The procedure '%s' cannot be executed within a transaction. |
15003 |
16 |
Only members of the %s role can execute this stored procedure. |
15004 |
16 |
Name cannot be NULL. |
15005 |
0 |
Statistics for all tables have been updated. |
15006 |
16 |
'%s' is not a valid name because it contains invalid characters. |
15007 |
16 |
The login '%s' does not exist. |
15008 |
16 |
User '%s' does not exist in the current database. |
15009 |
16 |
The object '%s' does not exist in database '%s'. |
15010 |
16 |
The database '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpdb to show available databases. |
15011 |
16 |
Database option '%s' does not exist. |
15012 |
16 |
The device '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpdevice to show available devices. |
15013 |
0 |
Table '%s': No columns without statistics found. |
15014 |
16 |
The role '%s' does not exist in the current database. |
15015 |
16 |
The server '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers. |
15016 |
16 |
The default '%s' does not exist. |
15017 |
16 |
The rule '%s' does not exist. |
15018 |
0 |
Table '%s': Creating statistics for the following columns: |
15019 |
16 |
The extended stored procedure '%s' does not exist. |
15020 |
0 |
Statistics have been created for the %d listed columns of the above tables. |
15021 |
16 |
There are no remote users mapped to any local user from remote server '%s'. |
15022 |
16 |
The specified user name is already aliased. |
15023 |
16 |
User or role '%s' already exists in the current database. |
15024 |
16 |
The group '%s' already exists in the current database. |
15025 |
16 |
The login '%s' already exists. |
15026 |
16 |
Logical device '%s' already exists. |
15027 |
16 |
There are no remote users mapped to local user '%s' from remote server '%s'. |
15028 |
16 |
The server '%s' already exists. |
15029 |
16 |
The data type '%s' already exists in the current database. |
15030 |
16 |
The read-only bit cannot be turned off because the database is in standby mode. |
15031 |
0 |
'Virtual_device' device added. |
15032 |
16 |
The database '%s' already exists. |
15033 |
16 |
'%s' is not a valid official language name. |
15034 |
16 |
The application role password must not be NULL. |
15035 |
16 |
'%s' is not a database device. |
15036 |
16 |
The data type '%s' does not exist. |
15037 |
16 |
The physical data type '%s' does not allow nulls. |
15038 |
16 |
User-defined data types based on timestamp are not allowed. |
15039 |
16 |
The language %s already exists in syslanguages. |
15040 |
16 |
User-defined error messages must have an ID greater than 50000. |
15041 |
16 |
User-defined error messages must have a severity level between 1 and 25. |
15043 |
16 |
You must specify 'REPLACE' to overwrite an existing message. |
15044 |
16 |
'%s' is an unknown device type. Use 'disk', 'tape', or 'pipe'. |
15045 |
16 |
The logical name cannot be NULL. |
15046 |
16 |
The physical name cannot be NULL. |
15047 |
16 |
The only permitted options for a tape device are 'skip' and 'noskip'. |
15048 |
0 |
Valid values of database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, or %d. |
15049 |
11 |
Cannot unbind from '%s'. Use ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT. |
15050 |
11 |
Cannot bind default '%s'. The default must be created using the CREATE DEFAULT statement. |
15051 |
11 |
Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication. |
15052 |
0 |
Prior to updating sysdatabases entry for database '%s', mode = %d and status = %d (status suspect_bit = %d). |
15053 |
16 |
Objects exist which are not owned by the database owner. |
15054 |
0 |
The current compatibility level is %d. |
15055 |
11 |
Error. Updating sysdatabases returned @@error <> 0. |
15056 |
0 |
No row in sysdatabases was updated because mode and status are already correctly reset. No error and no changes made. |
15057 |
16 |
List of %s name contains spaces, which are not allowed. |
15058 |
16 |
List of %s has too few names. |
15059 |
16 |
List of %s has too many names. |
15060 |
16 |
List of %s names contains name(s) which have '%s' non-alphabetic characters. |
15061 |
16 |
Add device request denied. A physical device named '%s' already exists. |
15062 |
16 |
The guest user cannot be mapped to a login name. |
15063 |
16 |
The login already has an account under a different user name. |
15064 |
11 |
PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE KEY constraints do not have space allocated. |
15065 |
16 |
All user IDs have been assigned. |
15066 |
16 |
A default-name mapping of a remote login from remote server '%s' already exists. |
15067 |
16 |
'%s' is not a local user. Remote login denied. |
15068 |
16 |
A remote user '%s' already exists for remote server '%s'. |
15069 |
16 |
One or more users are using the database. The requested operation cannot be completed. |
15070 |
0 |
Object '%s' was successfully marked for recompilation. |
15071 |
16 |
Usage: sp_addmessage <msgnum>,<severity>,<msgtext> [,<language> [,FALSE | TRUE [,REPLACE]]] |
15072 |
16 |
Usage: sp_addremotelogin remoteserver [, loginame [,remotename]] |
15073 |
0 |
For row in sysdatabases for database '%s', the status bit %d was forced off and mode was forced to 0. |
15074 |
0 |
Warning: You must recover this database prior to access. |
15075 |
16 |
The data type '%s' is reserved for future use. |
15076 |
16 |
Default, table, and user data types must be in the current database. |
15077 |
16 |
Rule, table, and user data type must be in the current database. |
15078 |
16 |
The table or view must be in the current database. |
15079 |
10 |
Queries processed: %d. |
15081 |
16 |
Membership of the public role cannot be changed. |
15082 |
11 |
NULL is not an acceptable parameter value for this procedure. Use a percent sign instead. |
15083 |
16 |
Physical data type '%s' does not accept a collation |
15084 |
16 |
The column or user data type must be in the current database. |
15085 |
16 |
Usage: sp_addtype name, 'data type' [,'NULL' | 'NOT NULL'] |
15086 |
16 |
Invalid precision specified. Precision must be between 1 and 38. |
15087 |
16 |
Invalid scale specified. Scale must be less than precision and positive. |
15088 |
16 |
The physical data type is fixed length. You cannot specify the length. |
15089 |
11 |
Cannot change the '%s' option of a database while another user is in the database. |
15090 |
16 |
There is already a local server. |
15091 |
16 |
You must specify a length with this physical data type. |
15092 |
16 |
Invalid length specified. Length must be between 1 and 8000 bytes. |
15093 |
16 |
'%s' is not a valid date order. |
15094 |
16 |
'%s' is not a valid first day. |
15095 |
16 |
Insert into syslanguages failed. Language not added. |
15097 |
16 |
The size associated with an extended property cannot be more than 7,500 bytes. |
15100 |
16 |
Usage: sp_bindefault defaultname, objectname [, 'futureonly'] |
15101 |
16 |
Cannot bind a default to a column of data type timestamp. |
15102 |
16 |
Cannot bind a default to an identity column. |
15103 |
16 |
Cannot bind a default to a column created with or altered to have a default value. |
15104 |
16 |
You do not own a table named '%s' that has a column named '%s'. |
15105 |
16 |
You do not own a data type with that name. |
15106 |
16 |
Usage: sp_bindrule rulename, objectname [, 'futureonly'] |
15107 |
16 |
Cannot bind a rule to a column of data type text, ntext, image, or timestamp. |
15109 |
16 |
Cannot change the owner of the master database. |
15110 |
16 |
The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database. |
15111 |
16 |
The proposed new database owner is already aliased in the database. |
15112 |
11 |
The third parameter for table option 'text in row' is invalid. It should be 'on', 'off', '0', or a number from 24 through 7000. |
15123 |
16 |
The configuration option '%s' does not exist, or it may be an advanced option. |
15124 |
16 |
The configuration option '%s' is not unique. |
15125 |
16 |
Trigger '%s' is not a trigger for '%s'. |
15126 |
16 |
Trigger '%s' was not found. |
15127 |
16 |
Cannot set the default language to a language ID not defined in syslanguages. |
15129 |
16 |
'%d' is not a valid value for configuration option '%s'. |
15130 |
16 |
Table '%s' already has a '%s' trigger for '%s'. |
15131 |
16 |
Usage: sp_dbremove <dbname> [,dropdev] |
15132 |
16 |
Cannot change default database belonging to someone else. |
15133 |
16 |
INSTEAD OF trigger '%s' cannot be associated with an order. |
15134 |
16 |
No alias exists for the specified user. |
15135 |
16 |
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on '%s', or the object does not exist. |
15139 |
16 |
The device is a RAM disk and cannot be used as a default device. |
15140 |
16 |
Usage: sp_diskdefault logicalname {defaulton | defaultoff} |
15142 |
16 |
Cannot drop the role '%s'. |
15143 |
16 |
'%s' is not a valid option for the @updateusage parameter. Enter either 'true' or 'false'. |
15144 |
16 |
The role has members. It must be empty before it can be dropped. |
15174 |
16 |
Login '%s' owns one or more database(s). Change the owner of the following database(s) before dropping login: |
15175 |
16 |
Login '%s' is aliased or mapped to a user in one or more database(s). Drop the user or alias before dropping the login. |
15176 |
16 |
The only valid @parameter value is 'WITH_LOG'. |
15177 |
16 |
Usage: sp_dropmessage <msg number> [,<language> | 'ALL'] |
15178 |
16 |
Cannot drop a message with an ID less than 50000. |
15179 |
16 |
Message number %u does not exist. |
15180 |
16 |
Cannot drop. The data type is being used. |
15181 |
16 |
Cannot drop the database owner. |
15182 |
16 |
Cannot drop the guest user from master or tempdb. |
15183 |
16 |
The user owns objects in the database and cannot be dropped. |
15184 |
16 |
The user owns data types in the database and cannot be dropped. |
15185 |
16 |
There is no remote user '%s' mapped to local user '%s' from the remote server '%s'. |
15190 |
16 |
There are still remote logins for the server '%s'. |
15191 |
16 |
Usage: sp_dropserver server [, droplogins] |
15193 |
16 |
This procedure can only be used on system tables. |
15194 |
16 |
Cannot re-create index on this table. |
15197 |
16 |
There is no text for object '%s'. |
15198 |
16 |
The name supplied (%s) is not a user, role, or aliased login. |
15200 |
16 |
There are no remote servers defined. |
15201 |
16 |
There are no remote logins for the remote server '%s'. |
15202 |
16 |
There are no remote logins defined. |
15203 |
16 |
There are no remote logins for '%s'. |
15204 |
16 |
There are no remote logins for '%s' on remote server '%s'. |
15205 |
16 |
There are no servers defined. |
15206 |
16 |
Invalid Remote Server Option: '%s'. |
15210 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin role can use the loginame option. The password was not changed. |
15211 |
16 |
Old (current) password incorrect for user. The password was not changed. |
15216 |
16 |
'%s' is not a valid option for the @delfile parameter. |
15217 |
16 |
Property cannot be updated or deleted. Property '%s' does not exist for '%s'. |
15218 |
16 |
Object '%s' is not a table. |
15220 |
16 |
Usage: sp_remoteoption [remoteserver, loginame, remotename, optname, {true | false}] |
15221 |
16 |
Remote login option does not exist or cannot be set by user. Run sp_remoteoption with no parameters to see options. |
15222 |
16 |
Remote login option '%s' is not unique. |
15223 |
11 |
Error: The input parameter '%s' is not allowed to be null. |
15224 |
11 |
Error: The value for the @newname parameter contains invalid characters or violates a basic restriction (%s). |
15225 |
11 |
No item by the name of '%s' could be found in the current database '%s', given that @itemtype was input as '%s'. |
15227 |
16 |
The database '%s' cannot be renamed. |
15228 |
16 |
A member of the sysadmin role must set database '%s' to single user mode with sp_dboption before it can be renamed. |
15233 |
16 |
Property cannot be added. Property '%s' already exists for '%s'. |
15234 |
16 |
Object is stored in sysprocedures and has no space allocated directly. |
15235 |
16 |
Views do not have space allocated. |
15236 |
16 |
Column '%s' has no default. |
15237 |
16 |
User data type '%s' has no default. |
15238 |
16 |
Column '%s' has no rule. |
15239 |
16 |
User data type '%s' has no rule. |
15241 |
16 |
Usage: sp_dboption [dbname [,optname [,'true' | 'false']]] |
15242 |
16 |
Database option '%s' is not unique. |
15243 |
16 |
The option '%s' cannot be changed for the master database. |
15244 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set database options. |
15245 |
16 |
DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not placed offline. |
15247 |
16 |
User does not have permission to perform this action. |
15248 |
11 |
Error: The parameter @oldname is either ambiguous or the claimed @itemtype (%s) was wrong. |
15249 |
11 |
Error: Explicit @itemtype '%s' is unrecognized (%d). |
15250 |
16 |
The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database. |
15251 |
16 |
Invalid '%s' specified. It must be %s. |
15252 |
16 |
The primary or foreign key table name must be given. |
15253 |
11 |
Syntax error parsing SQL identifier '%s'. |
15254 |
16 |
Users other than the database owner or guest exist in the database. Drop them before removing the database. |
15255 |
11 |
'%s' is not a valid value for @autofix. The only valid value is 'auto'. |
15256 |
16 |
Usage: sp_certify_removable <dbname> [,'auto'] |
15257 |
16 |
The database that you are attempting to certify cannot be in use at the same time. |
15258 |
16 |
The database must be owned by a member of the sysadmin role before it can be removed. |
15261 |
16 |
Usage: sp_create_removable <dbname>,<syslogical>,<sysphysical>,<syssize>,<loglogical>,<logphysical>,<logsize>,<datalogical1>,<dataphysical1>,<datasize1> [,<datalogical2>,<dataphysical2>,<datasize2>...<datalogical16>,<dataphysical16>,<datasize16>] |
15262 |
0 |
Invalid file size entered. All files must be at least 1 MB. |
15264 |
16 |
Could not create the '%s' portion of the database. |
15266 |
16 |
Cannot make '%s' database removable. |
15269 |
16 |
Logical data device '%s' not created. |
15270 |
16 |
You cannot specify a length for user data types based on sysname. |
15271 |
16 |
Invalid @with_log parameter value. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'. |
15275 |
16 |
FOREIGN KEY constraints do not have space allocated. |
15277 |
16 |
The only valid @parameter_value values are 'true' or 'false'. |
15278 |
16 |
Login '%s' is already mapped to user '%s' in database '%s'. |
15279 |
16 |
You must add the us_english version of this message before you can add the '%s' version. |
15280 |
16 |
All localized versions of this message must be dropped before the us_english version can be dropped. |
15283 |
16 |
The name '%s' contains too many characters. |
15284 |
16 |
The user has granted or revoked privileges to the following in the database and cannot be dropped. |
15285 |
16 |
The special word '%s' cannot be used for a logical device name. |
15286 |
16 |
Terminating this procedure. The @action '%s' is unrecognized. Try 'REPORT', 'UPDATE_ONE', or 'AUTO_FIX'. |
15287 |
16 |
Terminating this procedure. '%s' is a forbidden value for the login name parameter in this procedure. |
15289 |
16 |
Terminating this procedure. Cannot have an open transaction when this is run. |
15290 |
16 |
Terminating this procedure. The Action '%s' is incompatible with the other parameter values ('%s', '%s'). |
15291 |
16 |
Terminating this procedure. The %s name '%s' is absent or invalid. |
15292 |
0 |
The row for user '%s' will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence. |
15293 |
0 |
Barring a conflict, the row for user '%s' will be fixed by updating its link to a new login. Consider changing the new password from null. |
15294 |
0 |
The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was %d. |
15295 |
0 |
The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was %d. |
15298 |
0 |
New login created. |
15300 |
11 |
No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%s). Valid letters are in this set: %s. |
15301 |
16 |
Collation '%s' is supported for Unicode data types only and cannot be set at either the database or server level. |
15302 |
11 |
Database_Name should not be used to qualify owner.object for the parameter into this procedure. |
15303 |
11 |
The "user options" config value (%d) was rejected because it would set incompatible options. |
15304 |
16 |
The severity level of the '%s' version of this message must be the same as the severity level (%ld) of the us_english version. |
15305 |
16 |
The @TriggerType parameter value must be 'insert', 'update', or 'delete'. |
15306 |
16 |
Cannot change the compatibility level of replicated or distributed databases. |
15307 |
16 |
Could not change the merge publish option because the server is not set up for replication. |
15308 |
16 |
You must set database '%s' to single user mode with sp_dboption before fixing indexes on system tables. |
15311 |
16 |
The file named '%s' does not exist. |
15312 |
16 |
The file named '%s' is a primary file and cannot be removed. |
15318 |
0 |
All fragments for database '%s' on device '%s' are now dedicated for log usage only. |
15319 |
17 |
Error: DBCC DBREPAIR REMAP failed for database '%s' (device '%s'). |
15321 |
16 |
There was some problem removing '%s' from sysaltfiles. |
15322 |
0 |
File '%s' was removed from tempdb, and will take effect upon server restart. |
15323 |
16 |
The selected index does not exist on table '%s'. |
15324 |
16 |
The option %s cannot be changed for the '%s' database. |
15325 |
16 |
The current database does not contain a %s named '%ls'. |
15326 |
0 |
No extended stored procedures exist. |
15327 |
0 |
The database is now offline. |
15328 |
0 |
The database is offline already. |
15330 |
11 |
There are no matching rows on which to report. |
15331 |
11 |
The user "%s" cannot take the action auto_fix due to duplicate SID. |
15333 |
11 |
Error: The qualified @oldname references a database (%s) other than the current database. |
15335 |
11 |
Error: The @newname value '%s' is already in use as a %s name and would cause a duplicate that is not permitted. |
15336 |
16 |
Object '%s' cannot be renamed because the object participates in enforced dependencies. |
15337 |
0 |
Caution: sysdepends shows that other objects (views, procedures and so on) are referencing this object by its old name. These objects will become invalid, and should be dropped and re-created promptly. |
15338 |
0 |
The %s was renamed to '%s'. |
15339 |
0 |
Creating '%s'. |
15340 |
0 |
Alias user added. |
15341 |
0 |
Granted database access to '%s'. |
15354 |
0 |
Usage: sp_detachdb <dbname>, [TRUE|FALSE] |
15358 |
0 |
User-defined filegroups should be made read-only. |
15363 |
16 |
The role '%s' already exists in the current database. |
15379 |
11 |
The server option value '%s' supplied is unrecognized. |
15394 |
16 |
Collation '%s' is not supported by the operating system |
15387 |
11 |
If the qualified object name specifies a database, that database must be the current database. |
15388 |
11 |
There is no user table matching the input name '%s' in the current database. |
15390 |
11 |
Input name '%s' does not have a matching user table or indexed view in the current database. |
15395 |
11 |
The qualified old name could not be found for item type '%s'. |
15398 |
11 |
Only objects in the master database owned by dbo can have the startup setting changed. |
15399 |
11 |
Could not change startup option because this option %s. This type of change is restricted to objects that have no parameters or columns. |
15401 |
11 |
Windows NT user or group '%s' not found. Check the name again. |
15402 |
11 |
'%s' is not a fixed server role. |
15405 |
11 |
Cannot use the reserved user or role name '%s'. |
15407 |
11 |
'%s' is not a valid Windows NT name. Give the complete name: <domain\username>. |
15409 |
11 |
'%s' is not a role. |
15410 |
11 |
User or role '%s' does not exist in this database. |
15412 |
11 |
'%s' is not a known fixed role. |
15413 |
11 |
Cannot make a role a member of itself. |
15414 |
16 |
Cannot set compatibility level because database has a view or computed column that is indexed. These indexes require a SQL Server compatible database. |
15415 |
11 |
User is a member of more than one group. sp_changegroup is set up for backward compatibility and expects membership in one group at most. |
15416 |
16 |
Usage: sp_dbcmptlevel [dbname [, compatibilitylevel]] |
15417 |
16 |
Cannot change the compatibility level of the '%s' database. |
15418 |
16 |
Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set the database compatibility level. |
15419 |
16 |
Supplied parameter @sid should be binary(16). |
15420 |
16 |
The group '%s' does not exist in this database. |
15421 |
16 |
The user owns role(s) in the database and cannot be dropped. |
15422 |
16 |
Application roles can only be activated at the ad hoc level. |
15423 |
0 |
The password for application role '%s' has been changed. |
15424 |
0 |
New role added. |
15425 |
0 |
New application role added. |
15426 |
16 |
You must specify a provider name with this set of properties. |
15427 |
16 |
You must specify a provider name for unknown product '%ls'. |
15428 |
16 |
You cannot specify a provider or any properties for product '%ls'. |
15429 |
16 |
'%ls' is an invalid product name. |
15430 |
19 |
Limit exceeded for number of servers. |
15431 |
16 |
You must specify the @rolename parameter. |
15432 |
16 |
Stored procedure '%s' can only be executed at the ad hoc level. |
15433 |
16 |
Supplied parameter @sid is in use. |
15434 |
16 |
Could not drop login '%s' as the user is currently logged in. |
15435 |
0 |
Database successfully published. |
15436 |
0 |
Database successfully enabled for subscriptions. |
15437 |
0 |
Database successfully published using merge replication. |
15438 |
0 |
Database is already online. |
15439 |
0 |
Database is now online. |
15440 |
0 |
Database is no longer published. |
15441 |
0 |
Database is no longer enabled for subscriptions. |
15442 |
0 |
Database is no longer enabled for merge publications. |
15443 |
0 |
Checkpointing database that was changed. |
15444 |
0 |
'Disk' device added. |
15445 |
0 |
'Diskette' device added. |
15446 |
0 |
'Tape' device added. |
15447 |
0 |
'Pipe' device added. |
15449 |
0 |
Type added. |
15450 |
0 |
New language inserted. |
15452 |
0 |
No alternate languages are available. |
15453 |
0 |
us_english is always available, even though it is not in syslanguages. |
15454 |
0 |
Language deleted. |
15456 |
0 |
Valid configuration options are: |
15457 |
0 |
Configuration option '%ls' changed from %ld to %ld. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install. |
15458 |
0 |
Database removed. |
15459 |
0 |
In the current database, the specified object references the following: |
15460 |
0 |
In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following: |
15461 |
0 |
Object does not reference any object, and no objects reference it. |
15462 |
0 |
File '%s' closed. |
15463 |
0 |
Device dropped. |
15467 |
0 |
Type has been dropped. |
15469 |
0 |
No constraints have been defined for this object. |
15470 |
0 |
No foreign keys reference this table. |
15471 |
0 |
The object comments have been encrypted. |
15472 |
0 |
The object does not have any indexes. |
15473 |
0 |
Settable remote login options. |
15475 |
0 |
The database is renamed and in single user mode. |
15476 |
0 |
A member of the sysadmin role must reset the database to multiuser mode with sp_dboption. |
15477 |
0 |
Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures. |
15478 |
0 |
Password changed. |
15479 |
0 |
Login dropped. |
15480 |
0 |
Could not grant login access to '%s'. |
15481 |
0 |
Granted login access to '%s'. |
15482 |
0 |
Could not deny login access to '%s'. |
15483 |
0 |
Denied login access to '%s'. |
15484 |
0 |
Could not revoke login access from '%s'. |
15485 |
0 |
Revoked login access from '%s'. |
15486 |
0 |
Default database changed. |
15487 |
0 |
%s's default language is changed to %s. |
15488 |
0 |
'%s' added to role '%s'. |
15489 |
0 |
'%s' dropped from role '%s'. |
15490 |
0 |
The dependent aliases were also dropped. |
15491 |
0 |
User has been dropped from current database. |
15492 |
0 |
Alias user dropped. |
15493 |
0 |
Role dropped. |
15494 |
0 |
The application role '%s' is now active. |
15495 |
0 |
Application role dropped. |
15496 |
0 |
Group changed. |
15497 |
0 |
Could not add login using sp_addlogin (user = %s). Terminating this procedure. |
15498 |
17 |
Inside txn_1a_, update failed. Will roll back (1a1). |
15499 |
0 |
The dependent aliases were mapped to the new database owner. |
15500 |
0 |
The dependent aliases were dropped. |
15501 |
0 |
Database owner changed. |
15502 |
0 |
Setting database owner to SA. |
15503 |
0 |
Giving ownership of all objects to the database owner. |
15504 |
0 |
Deleting users except guest and the database owner from sysusers. |
15505 |
16 |
Cannot change owner of object '%ls' or one of its child objects because the new owner '%ls' already has an object with the same name. |
15511 |
0 |
Default bound to column. |
15512 |
0 |
Default bound to data type. |
15513 |
0 |
The new default has been bound to columns(s) of the specified user data type. |
15514 |
0 |
Rule bound to table column. |
15515 |
0 |
Rule bound to data type. |
15516 |
0 |
The new rule has been bound to column(s) of the specified user data type. |
15519 |
0 |
Default unbound from table column. |
15520 |
0 |
Default unbound from data type. |
15521 |
0 |
Columns of the specified user data type had their defaults unbound. |
15522 |
0 |
Rule unbound from table column. |
15523 |
0 |
Rule unbound from data type. |
15524 |
0 |
Columns of the specified user data type had their rules unbound. |
15525 |
0 |
sp_checknames is used to search for non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15526 |
0 |
in several important columns of system tables. The following |
15527 |
0 |
columns are searched: |
15528 |
0 |
In master: |
15536 |
0 |
In all databases: |
15543 |
0 |
Looking for non 7-bit ASCII characters in the system tables of database '%s'. |
15544 |
0 |
Table.column '%s' |
15545 |
0 |
The following database names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15546 |
0 |
If you wish to change these names, use '%s'. |
15547 |
0 |
The following logins have default database names that contain |
15548 |
0 |
non 7-bit ASCII characters. If you wish to change these names use |
15549 |
0 |
sp_defaultdb. |
15550 |
0 |
The following servers have 'initialization file' names that contain |
15551 |
0 |
non 7-bit ASCII characters. If you wish to change these names, |
15552 |
0 |
use UPDATE. |
15553 |
0 |
Database '%s' has no object, user, and so on |
15554 |
0 |
names that contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15555 |
0 |
The database name provided '%s' must be the current database when executing this stored procedure. |
15564 |
0 |
The following device names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15565 |
0 |
The following login names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15566 |
0 |
The following remote login names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15567 |
0 |
The following server names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15568 |
0 |
The following column and parameter names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15569 |
0 |
The following index names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15570 |
0 |
The following object names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15571 |
0 |
The following segment names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15572 |
0 |
The following data type names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15573 |
0 |
The following user or role names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. |
15574 |
10 |
This object does not have any statistics. |
15575 |
10 |
This object does not have any statistics or indexes. |
15576 |
16 |
You cannot set network name on server '%ls' because it is not a linked SQL Server. |
15600 |
15 |
An invalid parameter or option was specified for procedure '%s'. |
15601 |
16 |
Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable Full-Text Search. |
15604 |
16 |
Cannot drop full-text catalog '%ls' because it contains a full-text index. |
15605 |
16 |
A full-text index for table '%ls' has already been created. |
15606 |
16 |
You must first create a full-text index on table '%ls'. |
15607 |
16 |
'%ls' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. You must specify a unique, non-nullable, single-column index. |
15608 |
16 |
Full-text search has already been activated for table '%ls'. |
15609 |
16 |
Cannot activate full-text search for table '%ls' because no columns have been enabled for full-text search. |
15610 |
16 |
You must deactivate full-text search on table '%ls' before adding columns to or removing columns from the full-text index. |
15611 |
16 |
Column '%ls' of table '%ls' cannot be used for full-text search because it is not a character-based column. |
15612 |
16 |
DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made read-only. |
15613 |
0 |
The database is now read-only. |
15614 |
0 |
The database already is read-only. |
15615 |
16 |
DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made single user. |
15616 |
0 |
The database is now single user. |
15617 |
0 |
The database already is single user. |
15618 |
0 |
The database is now read/write. |
15619 |
0 |
The database already is read/write. |
15620 |
0 |
The database is now multiuser. |
15621 |
0 |
The database already is multiuser. |
15622 |
10 |
No permission to access database '%s'. |
15623 |
10 |
Enabling %ls option for database '%ls'. |
15624 |
10 |
Disabling %ls option for database '%ls'. |
15625 |
10 |
Option '%ls' not recognized for '%ls' parameter. |
15626 |
10 |
You attempted to acquire a transactional application lock without an active transaction. |
15627 |
10 |
sp_dboption command failed. |
15630 |
16 |
Full-text search must be activated on table '%ls' before this operation can be performed. |
15631 |
16 |
Full-text change tracking is currently enabled for table '%ls'. |
15632 |
16 |
Full-text change tracking must be started on table '%ls' before full-text auto propagation can begin. |
15633 |
16 |
Full-text auto propagation is currently enabled for table '%ls'. |
15634 |
16 |
Full-text change tracking must be started on table '%ls' before the changes can be flushed. |
15635 |
16 |
Cannot execute '%ls' because the database is in read-only access mode. |
15636 |
16 |
Full-text catalog '%ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode. |
15637 |
16 |
Full-text index for table '%ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode. |
15638 |
10 |
Warning: Full-text index for table '%ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode. Change tracking is stopped for this table. Use sp_fulltext_table to start change tracking. |
15639 |
10 |
Warning: Table '%s' does not have the option 'text in row' enabled and has full-text indexed columns that are of type image, text, or ntext. Full-text change tracking cannot track WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT operations performed on these columns. |
15640 |
16 |
sp_fulltext_table 'start_full' must be executed on table '%ls'. Columns affecting the index have been added or dropped since the last index full population. |
15642 |
16 |
The ongoing population is necessary to ensure an up-to-date index. If needed, stop change tracking, and then deactivate the full-text index population. |
15643 |
10 |
Warning: This operation did not succeed on one or more tables. A table may be inactive, or a full-text index population may already be active. |
15644 |
16 |
Full-text index population failed to start on this table. Execute sp_fulltext_table '%ls', '%ls' to update the index. |
15645 |
16 |
Column '%ls' does not exist. |
15646 |
16 |
Column '%ls' is not a computed column. |
15647 |
10 |
No views with schema binding reference this table. |