
Errors 15000 - 15999

Error Severity Description (Message Text)
15001 16 Object '%ls' does not exist or is not a valid object for this operation.
15002 16 The procedure '%s' cannot be executed within a transaction.
15003 16 Only members of the %s role can execute this stored procedure.
15004 16 Name cannot be NULL.
15005 0 Statistics for all tables have been updated.
15006 16 '%s' is not a valid name because it contains invalid characters.
15007 16 The login '%s' does not exist.
15008 16 User '%s' does not exist in the current database.
15009 16 The object '%s' does not exist in database '%s'.
15010 16 The database '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpdb to show available databases.
15011 16 Database option '%s' does not exist.
15012 16 The device '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpdevice to show available devices.
15013 0 Table '%s': No columns without statistics found.
15014 16 The role '%s' does not exist in the current database.
15015 16 The server '%s' does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers.
15016 16 The default '%s' does not exist.
15017 16 The rule '%s' does not exist.
15018 0 Table '%s': Creating statistics for the following columns:
15019 16 The extended stored procedure '%s' does not exist.
15020 0 Statistics have been created for the %d listed columns of the above tables.
15021 16 There are no remote users mapped to any local user from remote server '%s'.
15022 16 The specified user name is already aliased.
15023 16 User or role '%s' already exists in the current database.
15024 16 The group '%s' already exists in the current database.
15025 16 The login '%s' already exists.
15026 16 Logical device '%s' already exists.
15027 16 There are no remote users mapped to local user '%s' from remote server '%s'.
15028 16 The server '%s' already exists.
15029 16 The data type '%s' already exists in the current database.
15030 16 The read-only bit cannot be turned off because the database is in standby mode.
15031 0 'Virtual_device' device added.
15032 16 The database '%s' already exists.
15033 16 '%s' is not a valid official language name.
15034 16 The application role password must not be NULL.
15035 16 '%s' is not a database device.
15036 16 The data type '%s' does not exist.
15037 16 The physical data type '%s' does not allow nulls.
15038 16 User-defined data types based on timestamp are not allowed.
15039 16 The language %s already exists in syslanguages.
15040 16 User-defined error messages must have an ID greater than 50000.
15041 16 User-defined error messages must have a severity level between 1 and 25.
15043 16 You must specify 'REPLACE' to overwrite an existing message.
15044 16 '%s' is an unknown device type. Use 'disk', 'tape', or 'pipe'.
15045 16 The logical name cannot be NULL.
15046 16 The physical name cannot be NULL.
15047 16 The only permitted options for a tape device are 'skip' and 'noskip'.
15048 0 Valid values of database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, or %d.
15049 11 Cannot unbind from '%s'. Use ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT.
15050 11 Cannot bind default '%s'. The default must be created using the CREATE DEFAULT statement.
15051 11 Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication.
15052 0 Prior to updating sysdatabases entry for database '%s', mode = %d and status = %d (status suspect_bit = %d).
15053 16 Objects exist which are not owned by the database owner.
15054 0 The current compatibility level is %d.
15055 11 Error. Updating sysdatabases returned @@error <> 0.
15056 0 No row in sysdatabases was updated because mode and status are already correctly reset. No error and no changes made.
15057 16 List of %s name contains spaces, which are not allowed.
15058 16 List of %s has too few names.
15059 16 List of %s has too many names.
15060 16 List of %s names contains name(s) which have '%s' non-alphabetic characters.
15061 16 Add device request denied. A physical device named '%s' already exists.
15062 16 The guest user cannot be mapped to a login name.
15063 16 The login already has an account under a different user name.
15064 11 PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE KEY constraints do not have space allocated.
15065 16 All user IDs have been assigned.
15066 16 A default-name mapping of a remote login from remote server '%s' already exists.
15067 16 '%s' is not a local user. Remote login denied.
15068 16 A remote user '%s' already exists for remote server '%s'.
15069 16 One or more users are using the database. The requested operation cannot be completed.
15070 0 Object '%s' was successfully marked for recompilation.
15071 16 Usage: sp_addmessage <msgnum>,<severity>,<msgtext> [,<language> [,FALSE | TRUE [,REPLACE]]]
15072 16 Usage: sp_addremotelogin remoteserver [, loginame [,remotename]]
15073 0 For row in sysdatabases for database '%s', the status bit %d was forced off and mode was forced to 0.
15074 0 Warning: You must recover this database prior to access.
15075 16 The data type '%s' is reserved for future use.
15076 16 Default, table, and user data types must be in the current database.
15077 16 Rule, table, and user data type must be in the current database.
15078 16 The table or view must be in the current database.
15079 10 Queries processed: %d.
15081 16 Membership of the public role cannot be changed.
15082 11 NULL is not an acceptable parameter value for this procedure. Use a percent sign instead.
15083 16 Physical data type '%s' does not accept a collation
15084 16 The column or user data type must be in the current database.
15085 16 Usage: sp_addtype name, 'data type' [,'NULL' | 'NOT NULL']
15086 16 Invalid precision specified. Precision must be between 1 and 38.
15087 16 Invalid scale specified. Scale must be less than precision and positive.
15088 16 The physical data type is fixed length. You cannot specify the length.
15089 11 Cannot change the '%s' option of a database while another user is in the database.
15090 16 There is already a local server.
15091 16 You must specify a length with this physical data type.
15092 16 Invalid length specified. Length must be between 1 and 8000 bytes.
15093 16 '%s' is not a valid date order.
15094 16 '%s' is not a valid first day.
15095 16 Insert into syslanguages failed. Language not added.
15097 16 The size associated with an extended property cannot be more than 7,500 bytes.
15100 16 Usage: sp_bindefault defaultname, objectname [, 'futureonly']
15101 16 Cannot bind a default to a column of data type timestamp.
15102 16 Cannot bind a default to an identity column.
15103 16 Cannot bind a default to a column created with or altered to have a default value.
15104 16 You do not own a table named '%s' that has a column named '%s'.
15105 16 You do not own a data type with that name.
15106 16 Usage: sp_bindrule rulename, objectname [, 'futureonly']
15107 16 Cannot bind a rule to a column of data type text, ntext, image, or timestamp.
15109 16 Cannot change the owner of the master database.
15110 16 The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database.
15111 16 The proposed new database owner is already aliased in the database.
15112 11 The third parameter for table option 'text in row' is invalid. It should be 'on', 'off', '0', or a number from 24 through 7000.
15123 16 The configuration option '%s' does not exist, or it may be an advanced option.
15124 16 The configuration option '%s' is not unique.
15125 16 Trigger '%s' is not a trigger for '%s'.
15126 16 Trigger '%s' was not found.
15127 16 Cannot set the default language to a language ID not defined in syslanguages.
15129 16 '%d' is not a valid value for configuration option '%s'.
15130 16 Table '%s' already has a '%s' trigger for '%s'.
15131 16 Usage: sp_dbremove <dbname> [,dropdev]
15132 16 Cannot change default database belonging to someone else.
15133 16 INSTEAD OF trigger '%s' cannot be associated with an order.
15134 16 No alias exists for the specified user.
15135 16 Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on '%s', or the object does not exist.
15139 16 The device is a RAM disk and cannot be used as a default device.
15140 16 Usage: sp_diskdefault logicalname {defaulton | defaultoff}
15142 16 Cannot drop the role '%s'.
15143 16 '%s' is not a valid option for the @updateusage parameter. Enter either 'true' or 'false'.
15144 16 The role has members. It must be empty before it can be dropped.
15174 16 Login '%s' owns one or more database(s). Change the owner of the following database(s) before dropping login:
15175 16 Login '%s' is aliased or mapped to a user in one or more database(s). Drop the user or alias before dropping the login.
15176 16 The only valid @parameter value is 'WITH_LOG'.
15177 16 Usage: sp_dropmessage <msg number> [,<language> | 'ALL']
15178 16 Cannot drop a message with an ID less than 50000.
15179 16 Message number %u does not exist.
15180 16 Cannot drop. The data type is being used.
15181 16 Cannot drop the database owner.
15182 16 Cannot drop the guest user from master or tempdb.
15183 16 The user owns objects in the database and cannot be dropped.
15184 16 The user owns data types in the database and cannot be dropped.
15185 16 There is no remote user '%s' mapped to local user '%s' from the remote server '%s'.
15190 16 There are still remote logins for the server '%s'.
15191 16 Usage: sp_dropserver server [, droplogins]
15193 16 This procedure can only be used on system tables.
15194 16 Cannot re-create index on this table.
15197 16 There is no text for object '%s'.
15198 16 The name supplied (%s) is not a user, role, or aliased login.
15200 16 There are no remote servers defined.
15201 16 There are no remote logins for the remote server '%s'.
15202 16 There are no remote logins defined.
15203 16 There are no remote logins for '%s'.
15204 16 There are no remote logins for '%s' on remote server '%s'.
15205 16 There are no servers defined.
15206 16 Invalid Remote Server Option: '%s'.
15210 16 Only members of the sysadmin role can use the loginame option. The password was not changed.
15211 16 Old (current) password incorrect for user. The password was not changed.
15216 16 '%s' is not a valid option for the @delfile parameter.
15217 16 Property cannot be updated or deleted. Property '%s' does not exist for '%s'.
15218 16 Object '%s' is not a table.
15220 16 Usage: sp_remoteoption [remoteserver, loginame, remotename, optname, {true | false}]
15221 16 Remote login option does not exist or cannot be set by user. Run sp_remoteoption with no parameters to see options.
15222 16 Remote login option '%s' is not unique.
15223 11 Error: The input parameter '%s' is not allowed to be null.
15224 11 Error: The value for the @newname parameter contains invalid characters or violates a basic restriction (%s).
15225 11 No item by the name of '%s' could be found in the current database '%s', given that @itemtype was input as '%s'.
15227 16 The database '%s' cannot be renamed.
15228 16 A member of the sysadmin role must set database '%s' to single user mode with sp_dboption before it can be renamed.
15233 16 Property cannot be added. Property '%s' already exists for '%s'.
15234 16 Object is stored in sysprocedures and has no space allocated directly.
15235 16 Views do not have space allocated.
15236 16 Column '%s' has no default.
15237 16 User data type '%s' has no default.
15238 16 Column '%s' has no rule.
15239 16 User data type '%s' has no rule.
15241 16 Usage: sp_dboption [dbname [,optname [,'true' | 'false']]]
15242 16 Database option '%s' is not unique.
15243 16 The option '%s' cannot be changed for the master database.
15244 16 Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set database options.
15245 16 DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not placed offline.
15247 16 User does not have permission to perform this action.
15248 11 Error: The parameter @oldname is either ambiguous or the claimed @itemtype (%s) was wrong.
15249 11 Error: Explicit @itemtype '%s' is unrecognized (%d).
15250 16 The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database.
15251 16 Invalid '%s' specified. It must be %s.
15252 16 The primary or foreign key table name must be given.
15253 11 Syntax error parsing SQL identifier '%s'.
15254 16 Users other than the database owner or guest exist in the database. Drop them before removing the database.
15255 11 '%s' is not a valid value for @autofix. The only valid value is 'auto'.
15256 16 Usage: sp_certify_removable <dbname> [,'auto']
15257 16 The database that you are attempting to certify cannot be in use at the same time.
15258 16 The database must be owned by a member of the sysadmin role before it can be removed.
15261 16 Usage: sp_create_removable <dbname>,<syslogical>,<sysphysical>,<syssize>,<loglogical>,<logphysical>,<logsize>,<datalogical1>,<dataphysical1>,<datasize1> [,<datalogical2>,<dataphysical2>,<datasize2>...<datalogical16>,<dataphysical16>,<datasize16>]
15262 0 Invalid file size entered. All files must be at least 1 MB.
15264 16 Could not create the '%s' portion of the database.
15266 16 Cannot make '%s' database removable.
15269 16 Logical data device '%s' not created.
15270 16 You cannot specify a length for user data types based on sysname.
15271 16 Invalid @with_log parameter value. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'.
15275 16 FOREIGN KEY constraints do not have space allocated.
15277 16 The only valid @parameter_value values are 'true' or 'false'.
15278 16 Login '%s' is already mapped to user '%s' in database '%s'.
15279 16 You must add the us_english version of this message before you can add the '%s' version.
15280 16 All localized versions of this message must be dropped before the us_english version can be dropped.
15283 16 The name '%s' contains too many characters.
15284 16 The user has granted or revoked privileges to the following in the database and cannot be dropped.
15285 16 The special word '%s' cannot be used for a logical device name.
15286 16 Terminating this procedure. The @action '%s' is unrecognized. Try 'REPORT', 'UPDATE_ONE', or 'AUTO_FIX'.
15287 16 Terminating this procedure. '%s' is a forbidden value for the login name parameter in this procedure.
15289 16 Terminating this procedure. Cannot have an open transaction when this is run.
15290 16 Terminating this procedure. The Action '%s' is incompatible with the other parameter values ('%s', '%s').
15291 16 Terminating this procedure. The %s name '%s' is absent or invalid.
15292 0 The row for user '%s' will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence.
15293 0 Barring a conflict, the row for user '%s' will be fixed by updating its link to a new login. Consider changing the new password from null.
15294 0 The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was %d.
15295 0 The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was %d.
15298 0 New login created.
15300 11 No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%s). Valid letters are in this set: %s.
15301 16 Collation '%s' is supported for Unicode data types only and cannot be set at either the database or server level.
15302 11 Database_Name should not be used to qualify owner.object for the parameter into this procedure.
15303 11 The "user options" config value (%d) was rejected because it would set incompatible options.
15304 16 The severity level of the '%s' version of this message must be the same as the severity level (%ld) of the us_english version.
15305 16 The @TriggerType parameter value must be 'insert', 'update', or 'delete'.
15306 16 Cannot change the compatibility level of replicated or distributed databases.
15307 16 Could not change the merge publish option because the server is not set up for replication.
15308 16 You must set database '%s' to single user mode with sp_dboption before fixing indexes on system tables.
15311 16 The file named '%s' does not exist.
15312 16 The file named '%s' is a primary file and cannot be removed.
15318 0 All fragments for database '%s' on device '%s' are now dedicated for log usage only.
15319 17 Error: DBCC DBREPAIR REMAP failed for database '%s' (device '%s').
15321 16 There was some problem removing '%s' from sysaltfiles.
15322 0 File '%s' was removed from tempdb, and will take effect upon server restart.
15323 16 The selected index does not exist on table '%s'.
15324 16 The option %s cannot be changed for the '%s' database.
15325 16 The current database does not contain a %s named '%ls'.
15326 0 No extended stored procedures exist.
15327 0 The database is now offline.
15328 0 The database is offline already.
15330 11 There are no matching rows on which to report.
15331 11 The user "%s" cannot take the action auto_fix due to duplicate SID.
15333 11 Error: The qualified @oldname references a database (%s) other than the current database.
15335 11 Error: The @newname value '%s' is already in use as a %s name and would cause a duplicate that is not permitted.
15336 16 Object '%s' cannot be renamed because the object participates in enforced dependencies.
15337 0 Caution: sysdepends shows that other objects (views, procedures and so on) are referencing this object by its old name. These objects will become invalid, and should be dropped and re-created promptly.
15338 0 The %s was renamed to '%s'.
15339 0 Creating '%s'.
15340 0 Alias user added.
15341 0 Granted database access to '%s'.
15354 0 Usage: sp_detachdb <dbname>, [TRUE|FALSE]
15358 0 User-defined filegroups should be made read-only.
15363 16 The role '%s' already exists in the current database.
15379 11 The server option value '%s' supplied is unrecognized.
15394 16 Collation '%s' is not supported by the operating system
15387 11 If the qualified object name specifies a database, that database must be the current database.
15388 11 There is no user table matching the input name '%s' in the current database.
15390 11 Input name '%s' does not have a matching user table or indexed view in the current database.
15395 11 The qualified old name could not be found for item type '%s'.
15398 11 Only objects in the master database owned by dbo can have the startup setting changed.
15399 11 Could not change startup option because this option %s. This type of change is restricted to objects that have no parameters or columns.
15401 11 Windows NT user or group '%s' not found. Check the name again.
15402 11 '%s' is not a fixed server role.
15405 11 Cannot use the reserved user or role name '%s'.
15407 11 '%s' is not a valid Windows NT name. Give the complete name: <domain\username>.
15409 11 '%s' is not a role.
15410 11 User or role '%s' does not exist in this database.
15412 11 '%s' is not a known fixed role.
15413 11 Cannot make a role a member of itself.
15414 16 Cannot set compatibility level because database has a view or computed column that is indexed. These indexes require a SQL Server compatible database.
15415 11 User is a member of more than one group. sp_changegroup is set up for backward compatibility and expects membership in one group at most.
15416 16 Usage: sp_dbcmptlevel [dbname [, compatibilitylevel]]
15417 16 Cannot change the compatibility level of the '%s' database.
15418 16 Only members of the sysadmin role or the database owner may set the database compatibility level.
15419 16 Supplied parameter @sid should be binary(16).
15420 16 The group '%s' does not exist in this database.
15421 16 The user owns role(s) in the database and cannot be dropped.
15422 16 Application roles can only be activated at the ad hoc level.
15423 0 The password for application role '%s' has been changed.
15424 0 New role added.
15425 0 New application role added.
15426 16 You must specify a provider name with this set of properties.
15427 16 You must specify a provider name for unknown product '%ls'.
15428 16 You cannot specify a provider or any properties for product '%ls'.
15429 16 '%ls' is an invalid product name.
15430 19 Limit exceeded for number of servers.
15431 16 You must specify the @rolename parameter.
15432 16 Stored procedure '%s' can only be executed at the ad hoc level.
15433 16 Supplied parameter @sid is in use.
15434 16 Could not drop login '%s' as the user is currently logged in.
15435 0 Database successfully published.
15436 0 Database successfully enabled for subscriptions.
15437 0 Database successfully published using merge replication.
15438 0 Database is already online.
15439 0 Database is now online.
15440 0 Database is no longer published.
15441 0 Database is no longer enabled for subscriptions.
15442 0 Database is no longer enabled for merge publications.
15443 0 Checkpointing database that was changed.
15444 0 'Disk' device added.
15445 0 'Diskette' device added.
15446 0 'Tape' device added.
15447 0 'Pipe' device added.
15449 0 Type added.
15450 0 New language inserted.
15452 0 No alternate languages are available.
15453 0 us_english is always available, even though it is not in syslanguages.
15454 0 Language deleted.
15456 0 Valid configuration options are:
15457 0 Configuration option '%ls' changed from %ld to %ld. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
15458 0 Database removed.
15459 0 In the current database, the specified object references the following:
15460 0 In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following:
15461 0 Object does not reference any object, and no objects reference it.
15462 0 File '%s' closed.
15463 0 Device dropped.
15467 0 Type has been dropped.
15469 0 No constraints have been defined for this object.
15470 0 No foreign keys reference this table.
15471 0 The object comments have been encrypted.
15472 0 The object does not have any indexes.
15473 0 Settable remote login options.
15475 0 The database is renamed and in single user mode.
15476 0 A member of the sysadmin role must reset the database to multiuser mode with sp_dboption.
15477 0 Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures.
15478 0 Password changed.
15479 0 Login dropped.
15480 0 Could not grant login access to '%s'.
15481 0 Granted login access to '%s'.
15482 0 Could not deny login access to '%s'.
15483 0 Denied login access to '%s'.
15484 0 Could not revoke login access from '%s'.
15485 0 Revoked login access from '%s'.
15486 0 Default database changed.
15487 0 %s's default language is changed to %s.
15488 0 '%s' added to role '%s'.
15489 0 '%s' dropped from role '%s'.
15490 0 The dependent aliases were also dropped.
15491 0 User has been dropped from current database.
15492 0 Alias user dropped.
15493 0 Role dropped.
15494 0 The application role '%s' is now active.
15495 0 Application role dropped.
15496 0 Group changed.
15497 0 Could not add login using sp_addlogin (user = %s). Terminating this procedure.
15498 17 Inside txn_1a_, update failed. Will roll back (1a1).
15499 0 The dependent aliases were mapped to the new database owner.
15500 0 The dependent aliases were dropped.
15501 0 Database owner changed.
15502 0 Setting database owner to SA.
15503 0 Giving ownership of all objects to the database owner.
15504 0 Deleting users except guest and the database owner from sysusers.
15505 16 Cannot change owner of object '%ls' or one of its child objects because the new owner '%ls' already has an object with the same name.
15511 0 Default bound to column.
15512 0 Default bound to data type.
15513 0 The new default has been bound to columns(s) of the specified user data type.
15514 0 Rule bound to table column.
15515 0 Rule bound to data type.
15516 0 The new rule has been bound to column(s) of the specified user data type.
15519 0 Default unbound from table column.
15520 0 Default unbound from data type.
15521 0 Columns of the specified user data type had their defaults unbound.
15522 0 Rule unbound from table column.
15523 0 Rule unbound from data type.
15524 0 Columns of the specified user data type had their rules unbound.
15525 0 sp_checknames is used to search for non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15526 0 in several important columns of system tables. The following
15527 0 columns are searched:
15528 0    In master:
15536 0    In all databases:
15543 0 Looking for non 7-bit ASCII characters in the system tables of database '%s'.
15544 0 Table.column '%s'
15545 0 The following database names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15546 0 If you wish to change these names, use '%s'.
15547 0 The following logins have default database names that contain
15548 0 non 7-bit ASCII characters. If you wish to change these names use
15549 0 sp_defaultdb.
15550 0 The following servers have 'initialization file' names that contain
15551 0 non 7-bit ASCII characters. If you wish to change these names,
15552 0 use UPDATE.
15553 0 Database '%s' has no object, user, and so on
15554 0 names that contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15555 0 The database name provided '%s' must be the current database when executing this stored procedure.
15564 0 The following device names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15565 0 The following login names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15566 0 The following remote login names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15567 0 The following server names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15568 0 The following column and parameter names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15569 0 The following index names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15570 0 The following object names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15571 0 The following segment names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15572 0 The following data type names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15573 0 The following user or role names contain non 7-bit ASCII characters.
15574 10 This object does not have any statistics.
15575 10 This object does not have any statistics or indexes.
15576 16 You cannot set network name on server '%ls' because it is not a linked SQL Server.
15600 15 An invalid parameter or option was specified for procedure '%s'.
15601 16 Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable Full-Text Search.
15604 16 Cannot drop full-text catalog '%ls' because it contains a full-text index.
15605 16 A full-text index for table '%ls' has already been created.
15606 16 You must first create a full-text index on table '%ls'.
15607 16 '%ls' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. You must specify a unique, non-nullable, single-column index.
15608 16 Full-text search has already been activated for table '%ls'.
15609 16 Cannot activate full-text search for table '%ls' because no columns have been enabled for full-text search.
15610 16 You must deactivate full-text search on table '%ls' before adding columns to or removing columns from the full-text index.
15611 16 Column '%ls' of table '%ls' cannot be used for full-text search because it is not a character-based column.
15612 16 DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made read-only.
15613 0 The database is now read-only.
15614 0 The database already is read-only.
15615 16 DBCC DBCONTROL error. Database was not made single user.
15616 0 The database is now single user.
15617 0 The database already is single user.
15618 0 The database is now read/write.
15619 0 The database already is read/write.
15620 0 The database is now multiuser.
15621 0 The database already is multiuser.
15622 10 No permission to access database '%s'.
15623 10 Enabling %ls option for database '%ls'.
15624 10 Disabling %ls option for database '%ls'.
15625 10 Option '%ls' not recognized for '%ls' parameter.
15626 10 You attempted to acquire a transactional application lock without an active transaction.
15627 10 sp_dboption command failed.
15630 16 Full-text search must be activated on table '%ls' before this operation can be performed.
15631 16 Full-text change tracking is currently enabled for table '%ls'.
15632 16 Full-text change tracking must be started on table '%ls' before full-text auto propagation can begin.
15633 16 Full-text auto propagation is currently enabled for table '%ls'.
15634 16 Full-text change tracking must be started on table '%ls' before the changes can be flushed.
15635 16 Cannot execute '%ls' because the database is in read-only access mode.
15636 16 Full-text catalog '%ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode.
15637 16 Full-text index for table '%ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode.
15638 10 Warning: Full-text index for table '%ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode. Change tracking is stopped for this table. Use sp_fulltext_table to start change tracking.
15639 10 Warning: Table '%s' does not have the option 'text in row' enabled and has full-text indexed columns that are of type image, text, or ntext. Full-text change tracking cannot track WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT operations performed on these columns.
15640 16 sp_fulltext_table 'start_full' must be executed on table '%ls'. Columns affecting the index have been added or dropped since the last index full population.
15642 16 The ongoing population is necessary to ensure an up-to-date index. If needed, stop change tracking, and then deactivate the full-text index population.
15643 10 Warning: This operation did not succeed on one or more tables. A table may be inactive, or a full-text index population may already be active.
15644 16 Full-text index population failed to start on this table. Execute sp_fulltext_table '%ls', '%ls' to update the index.
15645 16 Column '%ls' does not exist.
15646 16 Column '%ls' is not a computed column.
15647 10 No views with schema binding reference this table.