Error |
Severity |
Description (Message Text) |
6001 |
10 |
SHUTDOWN is waiting for %d process(es) to complete. |
6002 |
10 |
SHUTDOWN is in progress. Log off. |
6004 |
10 |
User does not have permission to perform this action. |
6005 |
10 |
SHUTDOWN is in progress. |
6006 |
10 |
Server shut down by request. |
6007 |
10 |
The SHUTDOWN statement cannot be executed within a transaction or by a stored procedure. |
6101 |
16 |
Process ID %d is not a valid process ID. Choose a number between 1 and %d. |
6102 |
14 |
User does not have permission to use the KILL statement. |
6103 |
17 |
Could not do cleanup for the killed process. Received message %d. |
6104 |
16 |
Cannot use KILL to kill your own process. |
6106 |
16 |
Process ID %d is not an active process ID. |
6107 |
14 |
Only user processes can be killed. |
6108 |
16 |
KILL SPID WITH COMMIT/ABORT is not supported by Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Use Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator to resolve distributed transactions. |
6109 |
10 |
SPID %d: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. Estimated time remaining: %d seconds. |
6110 |
16 |
The distributed transaction with UOW %s does not exist. |
6111 |
16 |
Another user has decided a different outcome for the distributed transaction associated with UOW %s. |
6112 |
16 |
Distributed transaction with UOW %s is in prepared state. Only Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator can resolve this transaction. KILL command failed. |
6113 |
16 |
The distributed transaction associated with UOW %s is in PREPARE state. Use KILL UOW WITH COMMIT/ABORT syntax to kill the transaction instead. |
6114 |
16 |
Distributed transaction with UOW %s is being used by another user. KILL command failed. |
6115 |
16 |
KILL command cannot be used inside user transactions. |
6116 |
16 |
KILL command failed. |
6117 |
16 |
There is a connection associated with the distributed transaction with UOW %s. First, kill the connection using KILL SPID syntax. |
6118 |
16 |
The distributed transaction associated with UOW %s is not in PREPARED state. Use KILL UOW to kill the transaction instead. |
6119 |
10 |
Distributed transaction with UOW %s is rolling back: estimated rollback completion: %d%%, estimated time left %d seconds. |
6120 |
16 |
Status report cannot be obtained. Rollback operation for Process ID %d is not in progress. |
6121 |
16 |
Status report cannot be obtained. Rollback operation for UOW %s is not in progress. |
6401 |
16 |
Cannot roll back %.*ls. No transaction or savepoint of that name was found. |
6600 |
16 |
XML error: %.*ls |
6601 |
10 |
XML parser returned the error code %d from line number %d, source '%.*ls'. |
6602 |
16 |
The error description is '%.*ls'. |
6603 |
16 |
XML parsing error: %.*ls |
6604 |
25 |
XML stored procedures are not supported in fibers mode. |
6605 |
16 |
%.*ls: Failed to obtain an IPersistStream interface on the XML text. |
6606 |
17 |
%.*ls: Failed to save the XML text stream. The server resources may be too low. |
6607 |
16 |
%.*ls: The value supplied for parameter number %d is invalid. |
6608 |
16 |
Failed to instantiate class '%ls'. Make sure Msxml2.dll exists in the SQL Server installation. |
6609 |
16 |
Column '%ls' contains an invalid data type. Valid data types are char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar, text, and ntext. |
6610 |
17 |
Failed to load Msxml2.dll. |
6612 |
16 |
Invalid data type for the column indicated by the parameter '%ls'. Valid data types are int, bigint, smallint, and tinyint. |
6613 |
16 |
Specified value '%ls' already exists. |
6614 |
16 |
Value specified for column '%ls' is the same for column '%ls'. An element cannot be its own parent. |
6615 |
16 |
Invalid data type is specified for column '%ls'. Valid data types are int, bigint, smallint, and tinyint. |
6616 |
16 |
Parameter '%ls' is required when the parent of the element to be added is missing and must be inserted. |
6617 |
16 |
The specified edge table has an invalid format. Column '%ls' is missing or has an invalid data type. |
6618 |
16 |
Column '%ls' in the specified edge table has an invalid or null value. |
6619 |
16 |
XML node of type %d named '%ls' cannot be created . |
6620 |
16 |
XML attribute or element cannot be created for column '%ls'. |
6621 |
16 |
XML encoding or decoding error occurred with object name '%.*ls'. |
6622 |
16 |
Invalid data type for column '%ls'. Data type cannot be text, ntext, image, or binary. |
6623 |
16 |
Column '%ls' contains an invalid data type. Valid data types are char, varchar, nchar, and nvarchar. |
6624 |
16 |
XML document could not be created because server memory is low. Use sp_xml_removedocument to release XML documents. |
6800 |
16 |
FOR XML AUTO requires at least one table for generating XML tags. Use FOR XML RAW or add a FROM clause with a table name. |
6801 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT requires at least three columns, including the tag column, the parent column, and at least one data column. |
6802 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT query contains the invalid column name '%.*ls'. Use the TAGNAME!TAGID!ATTRIBUTENAME[!..] format where TAGID is a positive integer. |
6803 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT requires the first column to hold positive integers that represent XML tag IDs. |
6804 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT requires the second column to hold NULL or nonnegative integers that represent XML parent tag IDs. |
6805 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT stack overflow occurred. Circular parent tag relationships are not allowed. |
6806 |
16 |
Undeclared tag ID %d is used in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query. |
6807 |
16 |
Undeclared parent tag ID %d is used in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query. |
6808 |
16 |
XML tag ID %d could not be added. The server memory resources may be low. |
6809 |
16 |
Unnamed column or table names cannot be used as XML identifiers. Name unnamed columns using AS in the SELECT statement. |
6810 |
16 |
Column name '%.*ls' is repeated. The same attribute cannot be generated more than once on the same XML tag. |
6811 |
16 |
FOR XML is incompatible with COMPUTE expressions. Remove the COMPUTE expression. |
6812 |
16 |
XML tag ID %d that was originally declared as '%.*ls' is being redeclared as '%.*ls'. |
6813 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and/or NMTOKENS in column name '%.*ls'. |
6814 |
16 |
In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS require attribute names in '%.*ls'. |
6815 |
16 |
In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be hidden in '%.*ls'. |
6816 |
16 |
In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be generated as CDATA, XML, or XMLTEXT in '%.*ls'. |
6817 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ELEMENT, XML, XMLTEXT, and CDATA in column name '%.*ls'. |
6818 |
16 |
In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, CDATA attributes must be unnamed in '%.*ls'. |
6819 |
16 |
The FOR XML clause is not allowed in a %ls statement. |
6820 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT requires column %d to be named '%ls' instead of '%.*ls'. |
6821 |
16 |
GROUP BY and aggregate functions are currently not supported with FOR XML AUTO. |
6824 |
16 |
In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, mode '%.*ls' in a column name is invalid. |
6825 |
16 |
ELEMENTS mode requires FOR XML AUTO. |
6826 |
16 |
Every IDREFS or NMTOKENS column in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query must appear in a separate SELECT clause, and the instances must be ordered directly after the element to which they belong. |
6827 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT queries allow only one XMLTEXT column per tag. Column '%.*ls' declares another XMLTEXT column that is not permitted. |
6828 |
16 |
XMLTEXT column '%.*ls' must be of a string data type. |
6829 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT and RAW modes currently do not support addressing binary data as URLs in column '%.*ls'. Remove the column, or use the BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1="V1"]/@COLUMN' syntax. |
6830 |
16 |
FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%.*ls' to create a URL address for it. Remove the column, or use the BINARY BASE64 mode, or create the URL directly using the 'dbobject/TABLE[@PK1="V1"]/@COLUMN' syntax. |
6831 |
16 |
FOR XML AUTO requires primary keys to create references for '%.*ls'. Select primary keys, or use BINARY BASE64 to obtain binary data in encoded form if no primary keys exist. |
6832 |
16 |
FOR XML AUTO cannot generate a URL address for binary data if a primary key is also binary. |
6833 |
16 |
Parent tag ID %d is not among the open tags. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires parent tags to be opened first. Check the ordering of the result set. |
6834 |
16 |
XMLTEXT field '%.*ls' contains an invalid XML document. Check the root tag and its attributes. |
6835 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT field '%.*ls' can specify the directive HIDE only once. |
6836 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT requires attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field '%.*ls' to precede element-centric IDREFS/NMTOKEN fields. |
6837 |
16 |
The XMLTEXT document attribute that starts with '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length is %d. |
6838 |
16 |
Attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field not supported on tags having element-centric field '%.*ls' of type TEXT/NTEXT or IMAGE. Either specify ELEMENT on IDREFS/NMTOKENS field or remove the ELEMENT directive. |
6839 |
16 |
FOR XML EXPLICIT does not support XMLTEXT field on tag '%.*ls' that has IDREFS or NMTOKENS fields. |
6840 |
16 |
XMLDATA does not support namespace elements or attributes such as '%.*ls'. Run the SELECT FOR XML statement without XMLDATA or remove the namespace prefix declaration. |