Error |
Severity |
Description (Message Text) |
2001 |
10 |
Cannot use duplicate parameter names. Parameter name '%.*ls' listed more than once. |
2004 |
16 |
Procedure '%.*ls' has already been created with group number %d. Create procedure with an unused group number. |
2007 |
11 |
Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current stored procedure because it depends on the missing object '%.*ls'. The stored procedure will still be created. |
2008 |
16 |
The object '%.*ls' is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name. |
2009 |
10 |
Procedure '%.*ls' was created despite delayed name resolution warnings (if any). |
2010 |
16 |
Cannot perform alter on %.*ls because it is an incompatible object type. |
2011 |
16 |
Index hints cannot be specified within a schema-bound object. |
2012 |
16 |
User-defined variables cannot be declared within a schema-bound object. |
2106 |
11 |
Cannot create a trigger on table '%.*ls', because this table does not exist in database '%.*ls'. |
2108 |
16 |
Cannot create a trigger on table '%.*ls' because you can only create a trigger on a table in the current database. |
2110 |
16 |
Cannot alter trigger '%.*ls' for table '%.*ls' because this trigger does not belong to this table. |
2111 |
16 |
Cannot %s trigger '%.*ls' for %S_MSG '%.*ls' because an INSTEAD OF %s trigger already exists. |
2112 |
16 |
Cannot %s trigger '%.*ls' for view '%.*ls' because it is defined with the CHECK OPTION. |
2113 |
16 |
Cannot %s INSTEAD OF DELETE or UPDATE TRIGGER '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' because the table has a FOREIGN KEY with cascaded DELETE or UPDATE. |
2114 |
16 |
Column '%.*ls' cannot be used in an IF UPDATE clause because it is a computed column. |
2501 |
16 |
Could not find a table or object named '%.*ls'. Check sysobjects. |
2502 |
16 |
Could not start transaction. |
2503 |
10 |
Successfully deleted the physical file '%ls'. |
2504 |
16 |
Could not delete the physical file '%ls'. The DeleteFile system function returned error %ls. |
2505 |
16 |
The device '%.*ls' does not exist. Use sp_helpdevice to show available devices. |
2506 |
16 |
Could not find a table or object name '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls'. |
2511 |
16 |
Table error: Object ID %d, Index ID %d. Keys out of order on page %S_PGID, slots %d and %d. |
2512 |
16 |
Table error: Object ID %d, Index ID %d. Duplicate keys on page %S_PGID slot %d and page %S_PGID slot %d. |
2513 |
16 |
Table error: Object ID %ld (object '%.*ls') does not match between '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'. |
2514 |
16 |
Table error: Data type %ld (type '%.*ls') does not match between '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'. |
2515 |
16 |
Page %S_PGID, object ID %d, index ID %d has been modified but is not marked modified in the differential backup bitmap. |
2516 |
16 |
The differential bitmap was invalidated for database %.*ls. A full database backup is required before a differential backup can be performed. |
2517 |
16 |
The minimally logged operation status has been turned on for database %.*ls. Rerun backup log operations to ensure that all data has been secured. |
2519 |
16 |
Unable to process table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is invalid. |
2520 |
16 |
Could not find database '%.*ls'. Check sysdatabases. |
2521 |
16 |
Could not find database ID %d. Check sysdatabases. |
2522 |
16 |
Unable to process index %.*ls of table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is invalid. |
2523 |
16 |
Filegroup %.*ls is invalid. |
2524 |
16 |
Unable to process table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is offline. |
2525 |
16 |
Database file %.*ls is offline. |
2526 |
16 |
Incorrect DBCC statement. Check the documentation for the correct DBCC syntax and options. |
2527 |
16 |
Unable to process index %.*ls of table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is offline. |
2528 |
10 |
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. |
2529 |
16 |
Filegroup %.*ls is offline. |
2530 |
16 |
Secondary index entries were missing or did not match the data in the table. Use the WITH TABLOCK option and run the command again to display the failing records. |
2531 |
16 |
Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d B-tree level mismatch, page %S_PGID. Level %d does not match level %d from previous %S_PGID. |
2532 |
16 |
DBCC SHRINKFILE could not shrink file %ls. Log files are not supported. |
2533 |
16 |
Table error: Page %S_PGID allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header. |
2534 |
16 |
Table error: Page %S_PGID with object ID %d, index ID %d in its header is allocated by another object. |
Error 2535 |
16 |
Table error: Page %S_PGID is allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, not to object ID %d, index ID %d found in page header. |
2536 |
10 |
DBCC results for '%.*ls'. |
2537 |
16 |
Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID, row %d. Record check (%hs) failed. Values are %ld and %ld. |
2538 |
10 |
File %d. Number of extents = %ld, used pages = %ld, reserved pages = %ld. |
2539 |
10 |
Total number of extents = %ld, used pages = %ld, reserved pages = %ld in this database. |
2540 |
10 |
The system cannot self repair this error. |
2541 |
10 |
DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: sysindexes row updated for table '%.*ls' (index ID %ld): |
2542 |
10 |
DATA pages: Changed from (%ld) to (%ld) pages. |
2543 |
10 |
USED pages: Changed from (%ld) to (%ld) pages. |
2544 |
10 |
RSVD pages: Changed from (%ld) to (%ld) pages. |
2545 |
10 |
ROWS count: Changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) rows. |
2546 |
10 |
Index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' is marked offline. Rebuild the index to bring it online. |
2547 |
10 |
Performing second pass of index checks. |
2548 |
10 |
DBCC: Compaction phase of index '%.*ls' is %d%% complete. |
2549 |
10 |
DBCC: Defrag phase of index '%.*ls' is %d%% complete. |
2557 |
14 |
User '%.*ls' does not have permission to run DBCC %ls for object '%.*ls'. |
2559 |
16 |
The '%ls' and '%ls' options are not allowed on the same statement. |
2560 |
16 |
Parameter %d is incorrect for this DBCC statement. |
2562 |
16 |
'%ls' cannot access object '%.*ls' because it is not a table. |
2566 |
14 |
DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on system tables. |
2567 |
14 |
DBCC INDEXDEFRAG cannot be used on system table indexes |
2568 |
16 |
Page %S_PGID is out of range for this database or is in a log file. |
2570 |
16 |
Warning: Page %S_PGID, slot %d in Object %d Index %d Column %.*ls value %.*ls is out of range for data type "%.*ls". Update column to a legal value. |
2571 |
14 |
User '%.*ls' does not have permission to run DBCC %.*ls. |
2572 |
16 |
DBCC cannot free DLL '%.*ls'. The DLL is in use. |
2573 |
16 |
Database '%.*ls' is not marked suspect. You cannot drop it with DBCC. |
2574 |
10 |
Object ID %d, index ID %d: Page %S_PGID is empty. This is not permitted at level %d of the B-tree. |
2575 |
16 |
IAM page %S_PGID is pointed to by the next pointer of IAM page %S_PGID object ID %d index ID %d but was not detected in the scan. |
2576 |
16 |
IAM page %S_PGID is pointed to by the previous pointer of IAM page %S_PGID object ID %d index ID %d but was not detected in the scan. |
2577 |
16 |
Chain sequence numbers are out of order in IAM chain for object ID %d, index ID %d. Page %S_PGID sequence number %d points to page %S_PGID sequence number %d. |
2578 |
16 |
Minimally logged extents were found in GAM interval starting at page %S_PGID but the minimally logged flag is not set in the database table. |
2579 |
16 |
Table error: Extent %S_PGID object ID %d, index ID %d is beyond the range of this database. |
2580 |
16 |
Table '%.*ls' is either a system or temporary table. DBCC CLEANTABLE cannot be applied to a system or temporary table. |
2583 |
16 |
An incorrect number of parameters was given to the DBCC statement. |
2588 |
16 |
Page %S_PGID was expected to be the first page of a text, ntext, or image value. |
2590 |
10 |
User '%.*ls' is modifying bytes %d to %d of page %S_PGID in database '%.*ls'. |
2591 |
16 |
Could not find row in sysindexes with index ID %d for table '%.*ls'. |
2592 |
10 |
%ls index successfully restored for object '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls'. |
2593 |
10 |
There are %I64d rows in %ld pages for object '%.*ls'. |
2594 |
16 |
Invalid index ID (%d) specified. |
2595 |
16 |
Database '%.*ls' must be set to single user mode before executing this statement. |
2597 |
16 |
The database is not open. Execute a 'USE %.*ls' statement and rerun the DBCC statement. |
2598 |
16 |
Clustered indexes on sysobjects and sysindexes cannot be re-created. |
2601 |
14 |
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object '%.*ls' with unique index '%.*ls'. |
2603 |
21 |
No space left on logical page %S_PGID of index ID %d for object '%.*ls' when inserting row on an index page. This situation should have been handled while traversing the index. |
2617 |
20 |
Buffer holding logical page %S_PGID not found in keep pool in SDES for object '%.*ls'. Contact Technical Support. |
2624 |
21 |
Could not insert into table %S_DES because row length %d is less than the minimum length %d. |
2627 |
14 |
Violation of %ls constraint '%.*ls'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '%.*ls'. |
2701 |
10 |
Database name '%.*ls' ignored, referencing object in tempdb. |
2702 |
16 |
Database '%.*ls' does not exist. |
2705 |
16 |
Column names in each table must be unique. Column name '%.*ls' in table '%.*ls' is specified more than once. |
2706 |
11 |
Table '%.*ls' does not exist. |
2710 |
16 |
You are not the owner specified for the object '%.*ls' in this statement (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS or BULK INSERT). |
2714 |
16 |
There is already an object named '%.*ls' in the database. |
2715 |
16 |
Column or parameter #%d: Cannot find data type %.*ls. |
2716 |
16 |
Column or parameter #%d: Cannot specify a column width on data type %.*ls. |
2717 |
15 |
The size (%d) given to the %S_MSG '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum allowed (%d). |
2718 |
16 |
Column or parameter #%d: Cannot specify null values on a column of data type bit. |
2721 |
11 |
Could not find a default segment to create the table on. Ask your system administrator to specify a default segment in syssegments. |
2724 |
10 |
Parameter '%.*ls' has an invalid data type. |
2727 |
11 |
Cannot find index '%.*ls'. |
2730 |
11 |
Cannot create procedure '%.*ls' with a group number of %d because a procedure with the same name and a group number of 1 does not currently exist in the database. Must execute CREATE PROCEDURE '%.*ls';1 first. |
Error 2731 |
16 |
Column '%.*ls' has invalid width: %d. |
2732 |
16 |
Error number %ld is invalid. The number must be from %ld through %ld |
2734 |
16 |
The user name '%.*ls' does not exist in sysusers. |
2736 |
16 |
Owner name specified is a group name. Objects cannot be owned by groups. |
2737 |
16 |
Message passed to %hs must be of type char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar. |
2738 |
16 |
A table can only have one timestamp column. Because table '%.*ls' already has one, the column '%.*ls' cannot be added. |
2739 |
16 |
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables. |
2740 |
16 |
SET LANGUAGE failed because '%.*ls' is not an official language name or a language alias on this SQL Server. |
2741 |
16 |
SET DATEFORMAT date order '%.*ls' is invalid. |
2742 |
16 |
SET DATEFIRST %d is out of range. |
2743 |
16 |
%ls statement requires %S_MSG parameter. |
2744 |
16 |
Multiple identity columns specified for table '%.*ls'. Only one identity column per table is allowed. |
2745 |
10 |
Process ID %d has raised user error %d, severity %d. SQL Server is terminating this process. |
2746 |
16 |
Cannot specify user error format string with a length exceeding %d bytes. |
2747 |
16 |
Too many substitution parameters for RAISERROR. Cannot exceed %d substitution parameters. |
2748 |
16 |
Cannot specify %ls data type (RAISERROR parameter %d) as a substitution parameter for RAISERRROR. |
2749 |
16 |
Identity column '%.*ls' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, and constrained to be nonnullable. |
2750 |
16 |
Column or parameter #%d: Specified column precision %d is greater than the maximum precision of %d. |
2751 |
16 |
Column or parameter #%d: Specified column scale %d is greater than the specified precision of %d. |
2752 |
16 |
Identity column '%.*ls' contains invalid SEED. |
2753 |
16 |
Identity column '%.*ls' contains invalid INCREMENT. |
2754 |
16 |
Error severity levels greater than %d can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option. |
2755 |
16 |
SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY option '%.*ls' is invalid. |
2756 |
16 |
Invalid value %d for state. Valid range is from %d to %d. |
2757 |
16 |
RAISERROR failed due to invalid parameter substitution(s) for error %d, severity %d, state %d. |
2758 |
16 |
%hs could not locate entry for error %d in sysmessages. |
2759 |
0 |
CREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors. |
2760 |
16 |
Specified owner name '%.*ls' either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it. |
2761 |
16 |
The ROWGUIDCOL property can only be specified on the uniqueidentifier data type. |
2762 |
16 |
sp_setapprole was not invoked correctly. Refer to the documentation for more information. |
2763 |
16 |
Could not find application role '%.*ls'. |
2764 |
16 |
Incorrect password supplied for application role '%.*ls'. |
2765 |
15 |
Could not locate statistics for column '%.*ls' in the system catalogs. |
2766 |
16 |
The definition for user-defined data type '%.*ls' has changed. |
2767 |
15 |
Could not locate statistics '%.*ls' in the system catalogs. |
2768 |
15 |
Statistics for %ls '%.*ls'. |
2769 |
15 |
Column '%.*ls'. Cannot create statistics on a column of data type %ls. |
2770 |
16 |
The SELECT INTO statement cannot have same source and destination tables. |
2771 |
16 |
Cannot create statistics on table '%.*ls'. This table is a virtual system table. |
2772 |
16 |
Cannot access temporary tables from within a function. |
2773 |
16 |
Sort order ID %d is invalid. |
2774 |
16 |
Collation ID %d is invalid. |
2775 |
16 |
Code page %d is not supported by the operating system. |
2777 |
17 |
Database '%.*ls' contains columns or parameters with the following code page(s) not supported by the operating system: %ls. |
2801 |
16 |
The definition of object '%.*ls' has changed since it was compiled. |
2809 |
18 |
The request for %S_MSG '%.*ls' failed because '%.*ls' is a %S_MSG object. |
2812 |
16 |
Could not find stored procedure '%.*ls'. |