
Upgrade Log Files

Each time you run the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard, a subdirectory is created in the \Mssql\Upgrade directory (default location C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Upgrade). The subdirectory name consists of the server name and the current date and time to distinguish multiple runs of the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard (for example, SQLCONV1_092198_151900).

Inside this subdirectory are a number of descriptively named log files describing each of the upgrade steps. Also inside is another subdirectory for each upgraded database, including the master database. Inside each database folder are log files indicating the success of the creation of different types of objects in that database. Files that end in .ok indicate that all instances of that type of object were created successfully. Files that end in .err indicate that at least one instance of that type of object was not created successfully. The error files list each failed object creation statement and the reason the object was not created successfully.

Any log files that indicate a problem are listed at the end of the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard for easy access.

The \WinNT directory contains these files.

File Description
Sqlupgrade.ini List of .err files to be displayed by the Script Interpreter
Upgrade.ini Template .ini file used to set defaults and run pre-task and post-task applications

The \Mssql\Upgrade directory contains these files and directories.

File Description
Status.log Live status of the current set of tasks being executed by the script interpreter (useful for remote checking the upgrade status)
Check65.ini Additional command prompt arguments sent to Check65.exe when the finish page is checking SQL Server 6.5 databases
Upgrade.tmp Upgrade.ini before the Finish button is clicked in SQL Server Upgrade Wizard
Upgrade.ini Script file for the upgrade
<6.5 server>_<date>_<time> directories Object directory for each run of the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard

Object directories contain these files and directories. The SQL Server Upgrade Wizard names some files with either an .out or an .err extension, depending on the success of the task.

File Description
Layout.ini Used for communication between the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard and the layout utility, a subcomponent of the wizard
~backup.ini Used to back up, delete, and restore SQL Server 6.5 data files manually during a tape upgrade
<dbid><db>.ini Files used by Layout.exe to cache the user settings for the current upgrade session
Changedbo.sql.out / .err List of each statement that passed after the Change DBO task has been run
Check65 - <dbid><db>.out / .err Output from Check65.exe created while checking the SQL Server 6.5 databases for inconsistencies in the finish page of the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard
Check65 - <dbid><db>_err.out / .err Errors from Check65.exe created while checking the SQL Server 6.5 databases for inconsistencies in the finish page of the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard
Cleantempdb.bat Used to delete the SQL Server 2000 tempdb files after a successful upgrade
Cleantempdb.sql.out / .err Output from deleting the SQL Server 2000 tempdb files after a successful upgrade
Convload1.sql.out / .err Sets configuration options
Convload2.sql.out / .err Adds logins, remote logins, local groups, and other objects
Createdb.sql.out / .err Creates the SQL Server 2000 tempdb and user databases
Creating Databases.out / .err Output from creating the SQL Server 2000 tempdb and user databases
Dboptions.sql.out / .err Status of database options that were set and passed
Dropping temporary tempdb files.out / .err Success of dropping temporary tempdb files
Export and Import via Named Pipe - <dbid><db>.out / .err Success of exporting data from SQL Server 6.5 and importing into SQL Server 2000 during a named pipe backup
Export Data - <dbid><db>.out / .err Success of exporting data from SQL Server 6.5 in a tape backup
Import Data - <dbid><db>.out / .err Success of importing data into SQL Server 2000 from a tape backup
Export Database Objects - <dbid><db>.out / .err Success of exporting objects from SQL Server 6.5
Export Database Owners.out / .err Success of exporting database owners from SQL Server 6.5
Export Logins - <#>.out / .err Success of exporting logins from SQL Server 6.5
Export Server Settings from Master.out / .err Success of exporting server settings from SQL Server6.5
Export SQL Executive Settings.out / .err Success of exporting SQL Executive settings
Import Database Objects - <dbid><db>.out / .err Success of importing objects into SQL Server 2000
Import Logins - <#>.out / .err Success of importing logins into SQL Server 2000
Import Server Settings from Master.out / .err Success of importing server settings into SQL Server 2000
Import SQL Executive Settings - <#>.out / .err Success of importing SQL Executive settings into SQL Server Agent in SQL Server 2000
Logininfo.sid Integrated login mapping
Loginmap.txt Integrated login mapping
Marking database upgrade status - <dbid><db>.out / .err Success of marking which databases have been upgraded
Marking database upgrade status - <dbid><db>.sql.out / .err Marks database upgrade status
Modifying scripts.out / .err Success of removing stored procedures that are not to be created in SQL Server 2000
Msdb6in.sql msdb integrated logins run against SQL Server 2000
Pre60to7.sql Upgrades msdb from SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 2000
Pre65to7.sql Upgrades msdb from SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 2000
Preparing MSDB for Upgrade - <#>.out / .err Success of preparing msdb for upgrade
Preparing SQL-DMO for upgrade.out / .err Success of preparing SQL-DMO for upgrade
Replupd.out / .errreplupd_erro.out / .err Success of updating replication settings
Setting Database Options.out / .err Success of setting database options in SQL Server 2000
Upgrade Complete.ini Lists upgrade options and success codes for each upgrade task and object type
Upgrade.log Lists success code, start time, and stop time for each task in the Script Interpreter, created when the Script Interpreter exits or restarts after a failed task
Upgrade.reg Registry entries for the upgrade DSN used by many of the ODBC applications in the upgrade process
<dbid><db> directories Database-specific directories for each upgraded database, including master

Database-specific directories contain these files.

File Description
<6.5 server>.master.bak (only in the master database directory) Backup of stored procedure script before the Modify Scripts task is run
<6.5 server>.<db>.bnd.out / .err Table column bindings
<6.5 server>.<db>.def.out / .err Defaults
<6.5 server>.<db>.dr1.out / .err DRI to be created before data transfer (clustered keys)
<6.5 server>.<db>.dr2.out / .err DRI to be created after data transfer (nonclustered keys)
<6.5 server>.<db>.fky.out / .err FOREIGN KEY constraints
<6.5 server>.<db>.gr1.out / .err Groups
<6.5 server>.<db>.id1.out / .err Indexes to be created before data transfer (clustered indexes)
<6.5 server>.<db>.id2.out / .err Indexes to be created after data transfer (nonclustered indexes)
<6.5 server>.<db>.LGN Creates logins
<6.5 server>.<db>.prc.out / .err Stored procedures
<6.5 server>.<db>.prv.out / .err Permissions
<6.5 server>.<db>.rul.out / .err Rules
<6.5 server>.<db>.tab.out / .err Tables
<6.5 server>.<db>.trg.out / .err Triggers
<6.5 server>.<db>.udt.out / .err User-defined data types
<6.5 server>.<db>.usr.out / .err Users
<6.5 server>.<db>.viw.out / .err Views

See Also

Upgrading to SQL Server 2000