Could not find database ID %d. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition.
This error can occur if there is a problem with the view resolution process. During execution of various compiled objects in a database that references the database dbid (such as stored procedures and views), it is typical to resolve the dbid with other structures within the database. When a compiled object is first created, the dbid where the object is located is embedded in the compiled code. For example, when a view is accessed or a stored procedure is executed, the rights to access the view or execute the stored procedure are checked.
If the error occurs when a stored procedure or view is accessed, you may be able to correct the problem by simply dropping and re-creating the database object (stored procedure or view).
If this error continues to occur, contact your primary support provider and have the Microsoft® SQL Server™ error log and any additional information relevant to the circumstances when the error occurred available for review.