
Error 823

Severity Level 24
Message Text

I/O error %ls detected during %S_MSG at offset %#016I64x in file '%ls'.


Microsoft® SQL Server™ encountered an I/O error on a read or write request made to a device. This error usually indicates disk problems. However, additional kernel messages in the error log, recorded before error 823, should indicate which device is involved.


Check the accessibility and condition of the device in question.

Run hardware diagnostics and correct problems, if possible.

Restore damaged files from the latest database backup. Restoring from a database backup should always be considered the primary means of fixing a damaged database.

If you don't have a backup or if the errors detected are very isolated, the repair functionality of DBCC CHECKDB may be useful. However, using DBCC CHECKDB can be more time consuming than restoring the damaged files from a backup, and you may not be able to recover all your data .

Caution  If running DBCC CHECKDB with one of the repair clauses does not correct the problem or if you are unsure how this process may affect your data, contact your primary support provider.

See Also



Errors 1 - 999