
Error 268

Severity Level 16
Message Text

Cannot run SELECT INTO in this database. The database owner must run sp_dboption to enable this option.


This error occurs when an attempt to use the SELECT INTO statement has not been permitted because the select into/bulkcopy database option is not enabled for this database. The database owner must turn on the select into/bulkcopy database option before the SELECT INTO statement can be completed successfully.

This error can also be triggered by stored procedures.

Caution  Enabling the select into/bulkcopy database option permits nonlogged operations to take place. Have a specific backup strategy in place to ensure data integrity after nonlogged operations have been performed. A transaction log cannot be backed up after a nonlogged operation. Use the BACKUP DATABASE statement after nonlogged operations have been performed.


The database owner or system administrator must use the sp_dboption system stored procedure to enable the select into/bulkcopy database option. For example, for the pubs database, you would use the osql command prompt utility to perform the following steps:

  1. Switch to the master database and set the database option for the Northwind database. Type:
    USE master
    sp_dboption Northwind, 'select into/bulkcopy', true
    USE Northwind
  2. Verify that the change has taken place correctly. Execute the sp_helpdb system stored procedure on Northwind. The status result column should show the select into/bulkcopy database option as enabled. Type:
    sp_helpdb Northwind

You may want to review information about the bcp Utility and SELECT INTO statement. For more information, see the SELECT and bcp Utility. In some cases, bcp is a logged operation that can affect your backup strategy and transaction log backup frequency.

See Also

Backing Up and Restoring Databases


Errors 1 - 999

osql Utility

Setting Database Options


