SQLERROR returns SQLSTATE values as defined by the X/Open and SQL Access Group SQL CAE specification (1992). SQLSTATE values are strings that contain five characters. The following table lists SQLSTATE values that a driver can return for SQLError.
The character string value returned for SQLSTATE consists of a two-character class value followed by a three-character subclass value. A class value of 01 indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than 01, except for the class IM, indicate an error and are accompanied by a return code of SQL_ERROR. The class IM is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of ODBC. The subclass value 000 in any class is for implementation defined conditions within the given class. The assignment of class and subclass values is defined by SQL-92.
Note Although successful execution of a function is indicated typically by a return value of SQL_SUCCESS, the SQLSTATE 00000 also indicates success.
SQLSTATE | ODBC API (Driver Manager) error |
00000 | Success |
01000 | General warning |
01002 | Disconnect error |
01004 | Data truncated |
01006 | Privilege not revoked |
01S00 | Invalid connection string attribute |
01S01 | Error in row |
01S02 | Option value changed |
01S03 | No rows updated or deleted |
01S04 | More than one row updated or deleted |
01S05 | Cancel treated as FreeStmt/Close |
01S06 | Attempt to fetch before the result returned the first rowset |
07001 | Wrong number of parameters |
07006 | Restricted data type attribute violation |
07S01 | Invalid use of default paramater |
08001 | Unable to connect to data source |
08002 | Connection in use |
08003 | Connection not open |
08004 | Data source rejected establishment of connection |
08007 | Connection failure during transaction |
08S01 | Communication link failure |
21S01 | Insert value list does not match column list |
21S02 | Degree of derived table does not match column list |
22001 | String data right truncation |
22002 | Indicator variable required but not supplied |
22003 | Numeric value out of range |
22005 | Error in assignment |
22008 | Datetime field overflow |
22012 | Division by zero |
22026 | String data, length mismatch |
23000 | Integrity constraint violation |
24000* | Invalid cursor state |
25000 | Invalid transaction state |
28000 | Invalid authorization specification |
34000 | Invalid cursor name |
37000 | Syntax error or access violation |
3C000 | Duplicate cursor name |
40001 | Serialization failure |
42000 | Syntax error or access violation |
70100 | Operation aborted |
IM001 | Driver does not support this function |
IM002 | Data source name not found and no default driver specified |
IM003 | Specified driver could not be loaded |
IM004 | Driver's SQLAllocEnv failed |
IM005 | Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed |
IM006 | Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed |
IM007 | No data source or driver specified; dialog prohibited |
IM008 | Dialog failed |
IM009 | Unable to load translation DLL |
IM010 | Data source name too long |
IM011 | Driver name too long |
IM012 | DRIVER keyword syntax error |
IM013 | Trace file error |
S0001 | Base table or view already exists |
S0002 | Base table not found |
S0011 | Index already exists |
S0012 | Index not found |
S0021 | Column already exists |
S0022 | Column not found |
S0023 | No default for column |
S1000 | General error |
S1001 | Memory allocation failure |
S1002 | Invalid column number |
S1003 | Program type out of range |
S1004 | SQL data type out of range |
S1008 | Operation canceled |
S1009 | Invalid argument value |
S1010 | Function sequence error |
S1011 | Operation invalid at this time |
S1012 | Invalid transaction operation code specified |
S1015 | No cursor name available |
S1090 | Invalid string or buffer length |
S1091 | Descriptor type out of range |
S1092 | Option type out of range |
S1093 | Invalid parameter number |
S1094 | Invalid scale value |
S1095 | Function type out of range |
S1096 | Information type out of range |
S1097 | Column type out of range |
S1098 | Scope type out of range |
S1099 | Nullable type out of range |
S1100 | Uniqueness option type out of range |
S1101 | Accuracy option type out of range |
S1103 | Direction option out of range |
S1104 | Invalid precision value |
S1105 | Invalid parameter type |
S1106 | Fetch type out of range |
S1107 | Row value out of range |
S1108 | Concurrency option out of range |
S1109 | Invalid cursor position |
S1110 | Invalid driver completion |
S1111 | Invalid bookmark value |
S1C00 | Driver not capable |
S1DE0 | No data at execution values pending |
S1T00 | Timeout expired |
* In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you may receive the "Invalid cursor state" error message when Microsoft® SQL Server™ runs out of resources while attempting to save selected tables or a database diagram. This error is returned because of insufficient space in your database or transaction log to complete the save process. To correct this problem, check to see if the database or the transaction log is full. If so, increase the size of the database to accommodate the change. Check other system resources or contact your system administrator.
In addition to the standard ODBC error messages located in your ODBC programmer's reference documentation, the SQL Server ODBC driver can return error messages for certain SQLSTATE values, as shown in this table.
01000 | %ld rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: %ld. | A batch size of rows have been sent to SQL Server using the BCP API. |
01000 | %ld rows successfully bulk-copied to host-file. Total received: %ld. | A batch size of rows have been written to the host file using the BCP API. |
01000 | Access to database configured in the DSN has been denied. Default used. | Either the database does not exist or the user does not have permission to access the database. The default database configured for the login ID was used. |
01000 | An error has occurred during an attempt to access the log file, logging disabled. | The log file for driver statistics or long-running queries could not be used. The logging of driver statistics or long-running queries has been disabled. |
01000 | Connected to backup server. | The SQL Server primary server was not available, so the connection was made to the fallback server. |
01000 | Language configured in the DSN is not supported. Default used. | Either the language name is invalid or the language is not installed on the server. The default language configured for the login ID was used. |
01000 | Null bit data forced to zero. | A bit field containing a NULL is being loaded to a server that does not support NULL bit data. The field was set to zero. |
01000 | Procedure executed with 'EXEC'. No output parameters returned. | The procedure could not be executed as an RPC and output parameters were specified. Because the procedure had to be executed with EXEC, no output parameters will be stored. |
01000 | SQL Debugging disabled. | SQL Debugging could not be enabled, probably because the SQL Server is not configured for SQL debugging. |
01000 | The ODBC catalog stored procedures installed on server %s are version %s; version %02d.%02d.%4.4d or later is required to ensure proper operation. Please contact your system administrator. | Install the ODBC catalog stored procedures by executing \Msqql\Install\Instcat.sql. |
01000 | Zero length data forced to length 1. | A zero-length binary or character field is being loaded, but zero-length data is not supported. The field was forced to a 1 byte blank or binary zero. |
01S02 | Cursor concurrency changed. | The application requested a concurrency that could not be honored because of the type of request or query. A different concurrency was used instead. |
01S02 | Cursor type changed. | The application requested a cursor type that could not be honored because of the type of request or query. A different cursor type was used instead. |
01S02 | Packet size change not honored by server, server size used. | The application requested a nondefault packet size that could not be supported by SQL Server. The server default size was used instead. |
01S02 | Packet size changed. | The application requested a nondefault packet size that was outside of the limits of allowable size. Either the smallest or largest packet size was used instead, depending if the requested size was too small or too large. |
01S02 | Login timeout changed. | The application requested a login time-out that was too large. The maximum login time out was used instead. |
07006 | Conversions not allowed using bcp_moretext. | The application using bcp_moretext must have the same field type as it does the column type. |
08004 | Server rejected the connection; Access to selected database has been denied. | Either the database does not exist or the user does not have permission to access the database. |
08004 | Server rejected the connection; Language specified is not supported. | Either the language name is invalid or the language is not installed on SQL Server. |
HY024 | Database is invalid or cannot be accessed. | Either the database does not exist or the user does not have permission to access the database. |
IM006 | Packet size change not supported by server, default used. | The application requested a nondefault packet size that SQL Server does not support. The client default size was used. |
HY000 | All bound columns are read-only. | There must be an updatable column to use SQLSetPos or SQLBulkOperations to change or insert a row. |
HY000 | An old netlib (%s) has been detected. Please delete it and restart the application. | The netlib that was being loaded was out of date. The driver requires a newer netlib. The problem could be a netlib in the current directory of the application, which is being loaded instead of the one in the system directory, or it could be that the netlib was not installed properly or is corrupted. If the netlib specified in the error text exists elsewhere than in the Windows system directory, delete it. If the netlib exists only in the system directory, install the client utilities on the client and restart the application. |
HY000 | Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into a Server column which does not accept NULL values. | The field contains a NULL value, but the column does not allow NULL values. |
HY000 | Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized column to the SQL Server. | The length supplied for a column is larger than the column definition in the table. |
HY000 | Attempt to read unknown version of BCP format file. | The header line in the bcp format file was not a recognized version. |
HY000 | Bad bulk-copy direction. Must be either IN or OUT. | The bcp_init call did not specify a valid direction for the eDirection parameter. |
HY000 | Bad terminator. | The terminator string supplied in bcp_bind is invalid. |
HY000 | Bcp host-files must contain at least one column. | No columns were selected to be loaded. |
HY000 | Cannot generate SSPI context. | The driver could not obtain an SSPI context required for integrated security. The native error will contain the Win32 error code. |
HY000 | Cannot initialize SSPI package. | The driver could not obtain an SSPI context required for integrated security. The native error will contain the Win32 error code. |
HY000 | Communication module is not valid. Driver has not been correctly installed. | The network library .dll is corrupted. Install the client utilities on the client and restart the application. |
HY000 | Connection is busy with results for another hstmt. | The SQL Server ODBC driver allows only one active hstmt. For more information, see Using Default Result Sets. |
HY000 | Connection is not enabled for BCP. | The application using the BCP API must set the SQLSetConnectAttr or SQL_SS_COPT_BCP attribute before connecting. |
HY000 | Failure during closing of connection. | The ConnectionClose function in the network library failed. This problem is typically caused by a network or SQL Server problem. |
HY000 | For BCP, all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified. | bcp_bind was called with SQL_VARYLEN_DATA, but neither a prefix length nor a terminator was specified. |
HY000 | Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying into the server. | A bcp out format file specified that a column should be skipped. This is not allowed. Either create a view containing only the desired columns and bcp out from that view, or use the -Q flag to provide a SELECT statement selecting only the desired columns. |
HY000 | Incorrect host-column number found in BCP format-file. | The format file contains a column number greater than the number of columns in the table. |
HY000 | I/O error while reading bcp data-file. | |
HY000 | I/O error while reading BCP format file. | |
HY000 | I/O error while writing bcp data-file. | |
HY000 | I/O error while writing bcp error-file. | |
HY000 | Invalid option. | The eOption parameter to bcp_control was not valid. |
HY000 | Non-default parameter not allowed after default parameter. | Parameters to a stored procedure cannot have a non-default value after any preceding parameter has been specified with the default value. |
HY000 | Not enough columns bound. | For a bcp out, not all columns of the table were bound. Either create a view which contains only the desired columns and bcp out from that view or, use the -Q flag to provide a SELECT statement selecting only the desired columns. |
HY000 | ODBC BCP/Driver version mismatch. | The Sqlsrv32.dll and Odbcbcp.dll .dlls do not have identical versions. Install the client utilities on the client and restart the application. |
HY000 | Protocol error in TDS stream. | The TDS stream from the server is invalid. This problem is typically caused by a SQL Server problem. Check the SQL Server error log. |
HY000 | Table contains less rows than first row count. | A starting row number was supplied, but the table on the server did not contain that number of rows. No rows were copied to the host-file. |
HY000 | Table contains less rows than last row count. | An ending row number was supplied, but the table on the server did not contain that number of rows. |
HY000 | Table has no text/image columns. | bcp_moretext was called, but the table does not contain any text or image columns. |
HY000 | TDS buffer length too large. | The TDS stream from the server is invalid. This problem is typically caused by a SQL Server problem. Check the SQL Server error log. |
HY000 | Text column data incomplete. | The summation of the lengths supplied by bcp_moretext did not match the length supplied in bcp_bind or bcp_collen. |
HY000 | The BCP host-file contains less rows than first row count. | A starting row number was supplied, but the host-file did not contain that number of rows. No rows were loaded. |
HY000 | The row length exceeds SQL Server's maximum allowable size. | The summation of the data lengths for a row is larger than the maximum row size. |
HY000 | The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server (they were supplied with SQL Server). Please contact your system administrator. | Install the ODBC catalog stored procedures by executing \Msqql\Install\Instcat.sql. |
HY000 | Unable to load communication module. Driver has not been correctly installed. | The network library .dll specified for the connection does not exist on this client. Install the client utilities on the client and restart the application. |
HY000 | Unable to open BCP host data-file. | The file name specified in the bcp_init call does not exist or is opened by another application. |
HY000 | Unable to open BCP error-file. | The error file name specified in the bcp_init call does not exist or is opened by another application. |
HY000 | Unable to read driver version. | The driver was unable to read the version block in its .DLL. Install the client utilities on the client and restart the application. |
HY000 | Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file. | During a bcp in operation, end-of-file was detected on the data file while in the middle of processing the last row. This is typically caused by having a different number of columns, types, nullability, or sizes between the original table and the table being loaded. |
HY000 | Unicode conversion failed. | An error occurred during conversion to or from a Unicode string. The native error will contain the Win32 error code. |
HY000 | Unicode conversion failed. The code page of the SQL server must be installed on the client system. | The server code page must exist on the client for proper operation. Either clear the Auto Translate check box for the DSN or install the code page of the server on the client. The server code page can be determined by running EXEC sp_server_info 18. |
HY000 | Unknown token received from SQL Server. | The TDS stream from the server is invalid. This error is typically caused by a problem on the server. Check the SQL Server error log. |
HY000 | Warning: Partial insert/update. The insert/update of a text or image column(s) did not succeed. | A failure during insertion or update of a text, image, or ntext column occurred. That column will not contain the proper data. Roll back the transaction, if possible. |