This topic discusses troubleshooting tips and techniques for distributed queries against various OLE DB providers. On an error condition against an OLE DB provider, Microsoft® SQL Server™ outputs these sets of error messages:
SQL Server uses the OLE DB provider's error object and its interfaces to return the provider's error messages. If the provider does not support the error object and its interfaces for the given error context, provider error messages are not available.
In addition to using these error message topics to resolve problems with distributed queries, use SQL Profiler to trace the OLE DB Errors event class. The OLE DB Errors event class outputs the OLE DB interface and method for the provider returning an error and the error code returned by the method invocation. The hexadecimal error code can be looked up in the Oledberr.h header file (located in the \DevTools\Include directory of the target SQL Server installation directory, by default, C:\Mssql) to determine the meaning of the error code, by default, the OLE DB Errors event class does not show up in SQL Profiler. For more information about seeing the OLE DB Errors event class and other advanced errors using SQL Profiler, see Creating and Managing Traces and Templates.
This table lists all distributed queries error messages.
Error | Severity | Description |
7303 | 16 | Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider '%ls'. %ls. |
7306 | 16 | Could not open table '%ls' from OLE DB provider '%ls'. %ls. |
7314 | 16 | OLE DB provider '%ls' does not contain table '%ls'. |
7321 | 16 | An error occurred while preparing a query for execution against OLE DB provider '%ls'. %ls. |
7356 | 16 | OLE DB provider '%ls' supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. Metadata information was changed at execution time. |
7357 | 16 | Could not process object '%ls'. The OLE DB provider '%ls' indicates that the object has no columns. |
7391 | 16 | The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider '%ls' does not support distributed transactions. |
7392 | 16 | Could not start a transaction for OLE DB provider '%ls'. |
7399 | 16 | OLE DB provider '%ls' reported an error. %ls. |
7403 | 16 | Could not locate registry entry for OLE DB provider '%ls'. |
7413 | 16 | Could not perform a Windows authenticated login because delegation is not available. |
8114 | 16 | Error converting data type %ls to %ls. |
8501 | 16 | MS DTC on server '%.*ls' is unavailable. |