SQLNSCommandID constants specify SQL-NS command IDs available in the SQLNamespace object.
Constant | Value | Command |
SQLNS_CmdID_AGENT_ERROR_DETAILS | 76 | Error Details Opens the Agent Error Details dialog box for the specified replication agent. |
SQLNS_CmdID_AGENT_HISTORY | 77 | Agent History Opens the Agent History dialog box for the specified replication agent. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DATABASE_BACKUP | 80 | Back up Database Opens the SQL Server Backup dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DATABASE_RESTORE | 81 | Restore Database Opens the Restore Database dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DATABASE_SHRINKDB | 82 | Shrink Database Opens the Shrink Database dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DEFECT | 56 | Defect. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DELETE | 17 | Delete Deletes the specified item. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DTS_EXPORT | 60 | Data Export Starts the DTS Export Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DTS_IMPORT | 59 | Data Import Starts the DTS Import Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_DTS_RUN | 61 | Run Package Executes a DTS package. |
SQLNS_CmdID_EDIT_SERVER | 43 | Edit Server Registration dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_ENLIST | 55 | Enlist Starts the Make This a Target Server Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_ENLIST_REG_SERVERS | 62 | Enlist Registered Servers. |
SQLNS_CmdID_EXPORT_JOB | 57 | Generates a script file for the selected Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Agent job. |
SQLNS_CmdID_GENERATE_SCRIPTS | 79 | Generate Scripts Opens the Generate SQL Scripts dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_JOB_HISTORY | 40 | Displays the job history information for a selected SQL Server Agent job. |
SQLNS_CmdID_JOB_PROPERTIES (was SQLNS_CmdID_JOB_STEPS) | 48 | Displays the property dialog box for a selected SQL Server Agent job. |
SQLNS_CmdID_JOB_START | 39 | Starts a selected SQL Server Agent job. |
SQLNS_CmdID_JOB_STOP | 41 | Stops the selected SQL Server Agent job, if currently running. |
SQLNS_CmdID_JOBSERVER_ERRORLOG | 38 | Display Error log Opens the SQL Server Agent Error Log dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_JOBSERVER_TARGET_SERVERS | 42 | Target Servers Opens the Target Servers dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_ALERT | 20 | New Alert Opens the New Alert Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_BACKUPDEVICE | 36 | New Backup Device Opens the Backup Device Properties - New Device dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_DATABASE | 23 | New Database Opens the Database Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_DATABASE_ROLE | 33 | New Database Role Opens the Database Role Properties - New Role dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_DBUSER | 35 | New Database User Opens the Database User Properties - New User dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_DEFAULT | 29 | New Default Opens the Default Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_DIAGRAM | 32 | Does not display a dialog box (internal use only). |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE | 27 | Add extended stored procedure (master only). |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_JOB | 19 | Add new SQL Server Agent job. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_LOGIN | 34 | New Login. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_OPERATOR | 21 | New Operator Opens the New Operator Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_PUBLICATION | 69 | New Publication Starts the Create Publication Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_REMOTE_SERVER | 22 | Add Remote Server. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_RULE | 28 | New Rule Opens the Rule Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_SERVER | 18 | Add Server to a Server Group (only on default root or server group root level). |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_SERVER_GROUP | 31 | New Server Group (only on default_root root level). |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_STORED_PROCEDURE | 26 | New Stored Procedure Opens the Stored Procedure Properties - New Stored Procedure dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_SUBSCRIPTION | 72 | New Pull Subscription Starts the Pull Subscription Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_TABLE | 24 | Does not display a dialog box (internal use only). |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_TRACE | 86 | New trace |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_UDDT | 30 | New User Defined Data Type Opens the User-Defined Data Type Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_UDF | 85 | New user-defined function |
SQLNS_CmdID_NEW_VIEW | 25 | Does not display a dialog box (internal use only). |
SQLNS_CmdID_OBJECT_DEPENDENCIES | 45 | Object Dependencies Opens the Dependencies dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_OBJECT_PERMISSIONS | 44 | Object Permissions Opens the Object Permissions dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_OPEN | 37 | Does not display a dialog box (internal use only). |
SQLNS_CmdID_PROPERTIES | 16 | Properties Opens the Properties dialog box for the specified item. |
SQLNS_CmdID_PUBLISHING_PROPERTIES | 83 | Publishing and Distribution Properties. |
SQLNS_CmdID_PUSH_NEW_SUBSCRIPTION | 70 | New Pull Subscription Starts the Pull Subscription Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_REINIT_SUBSCRIPTION | 73 | Reinitialize Reinitializes a subscription. |
SQLNS_CmdID_REPLICATION_CONFIGURE | 65 | Configure Publishing and Distribution Starts the Configure Publishing and Distribution Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_REPLICATION_SUBSCRIBE | 66 | Pull Subscription Opens the Pull Subscription dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_REPLICATION_UNINSTALL | 68 | Disable Publishing or Distribution. |
SQLNS_CmdID_REPLICATION_PUBLISH | 64 | Publish and Push Subscription Opens the Create and Manage Publications dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_REPLICATION_SCRIPT | 67 | Create Replication Script. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SECURITY_LIST | 78 | Manage SQL Server Security Opens the SQL Server Security dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SERVER_CONFIGURATION | 54 | Does not display a dialog box (internal use only). |
SQLNS_CmdID_SERVER_CONNECT | 53 | Reserved. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SERVER_SECURITY | 52 | Server Security Starts the Create Login Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_STOP_SYNCHRONIZING | 75 | Stop Synchronizing Immediately stops synchronization of a subscription. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SVC_PAUSE | 50 | Pause Service Pauses the specified service. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SVC_START | 51 | Start Service Starts the specified service. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SVC_STOP | 49 | Stop Service Stops the specified service. |
SQLNS_CmdID_SYNCHRONIZE_NOW | 74 | Synchronize Now Immediately synchronizes a subscription. |
SQLNS_CmdID_TABLE_INDEXES | 46 | Manage Indexes Opens the Manage Indexes dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_TABLE_TRIGGERS | 47 | Manage Triggers Opens the Trigger Properties dialog box. |
SQLNS_CmdID_TOOLS_MAINT_PLAN | 63 | Database Maintenance Plan Starts the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_INDEXTUNING | 9 | Index Tuning Wizard Starts the Index Tuning Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_ALERT | 10 | Create Alert Wizard Starts the Create Alert Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_BACKUP | 13 | Backup Wizard Starts the Create Database Backup Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_CREATEDB | 1 | Create Database Wizard Starts the Create Database Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_CREATEINDEX | 2 | Create Index Wizard Starts the Create Index Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_CREATEJOB | 5 | Create Job Wizard Starts the Create Job Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_CREATETRACE | 14 | Create Trace Wizard Starts the Create Trace Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_DTSEXPORT | 4 | Data Export Wizard Starts the DTS Export Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_DTSIMPORT | 3 | Data Import Wizard Starts the DTS Import Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_MAINTPLAN | 11 | Database Maintenance Plan Wizard Starts the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_SECURITY | 6 | Security Wizard Starts the Create Login Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_SP | 7 | Create Stored Procedure Wizard Starts the Stored Procedure Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_VIEW | 8 | Create View Wizard Starts the Create View Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARD_WEBASST | 12 | Web Assistant Wizard Starts the Web Assistant Wizard. |
SQLNS_CmdID_WIZARDS | 15 | Wizards Opens the Select Wizard dialog box. |