The StatusInfoRefetchInterval property controls the periodic, automatic update of status information maintained in SQL-DMO objects.
object.StatusInfoRefetchInterval(StatusInfo) [= value]
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
Long integer that specifies a status information type as described in Settings
Long integer that specifies a number of seconds
HRESULT GetStatusInfoRefetchInterval(
LPLONG pRefetchSeconds);
HRESULT SetStatusInfoRefetchInterval(
long RefetchSeconds);
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMOStatInfo_All | 7 | Used when setting StatusInfoRefetchInterval only. Set all values equal. |
SQLDMOStatInfo_AutoVerifyConnection | 4 | Interval for testing broken connection. |
SQLDMOStatInfo_DatabaseSpace | 2 | Interval for retrieving space available in databases referenced by Database objects active in the application. |
SQLDMOStatInfo_DatabaseStatus | 1 | Interval for retrieving database status information, visible in the Status property, of active Database objects in the application. |
SQLDMOStatInfo_Unknown | 0 | Bad or invalid value. |
When an application connects a SQLServer object to an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, SQL-DMO automates the retrieval of some status information that allows application action based on changes in status for some SQL Server components.
By default, periodic update of status information is performed every 30 seconds.
Set a status interval value to 0 to stop periodic status information update. The following example illustrates creating a SQLServer object, then configuring status information periodic update by disabling all updating, then enabling only a test for broken connection.
' Create the SQLServer object.
Dim oSQLServer as New SQLDMO.SQLServer
' Disable all periodic updating.
oSQLServer.StatusInfoRefetchInterval(SQLDMOStatInfo_All) = 0
' Enable broken connection detection, setting to test every five seconds.
oSQLServer.StatusInfoRefetchInterval( _
SQLDMOStatInfo_AutoVerifyConnection) = 5