Script2Type Property

The ScriptType and Script2Type properties configure the Transact-SQL script generated and used to copy database schema in a transfer of schema from one database to another.

Applies To
Transfer Object Transfer2 Object


object.Script2Type [= value]



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list


Long integer that specifies script generation options as described in Settings

Data Type

Long, enumerated



Prototype (C/C++)



Constant Value Description
SQLDMOScript2_70Only 16777216 Disable features available in instances of SQL Server 2000 so that output is compatible with an instance of SQL Server version 7.0. Disabled features are:

Column-level collation
User-defined functions
Extended properties
Instead of triggers on tables and views
Indexes on views
Indexes on computed columns
Descending indexes
Default is OFF

SQLDMOScript2_AgentAlertJob 2048 Generate Transact-SQL script creating Microsoft® SQL Server™ Agent jobs and alerts.
SQLDMOScript2_AgentNotify 1024 When scripting an alert, generate script creating notifications for the alert.
SQLDMOScript2_AnsiFile 2 Generated script file uses multibyte characters. Code page 1252 is used to determine character meaning.
SQLDMOScript2_AnsiPadding 1 Generate Transact-SQL SET ANSI_PADDING ON and SET ANSI_PADDDING OFF statements before and after CREATE TABLE statements in the generated script. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table.
SQLDMOScript2_Default 0 No scripting options specified.
SQLDMOScript2_EncryptPWD 128 Encrypt passwords with script. When specified, SQLDMOScript2_UnicodeFile must be specified as well.
SQLDMOScript2_ExtendedOnly 67108864 Ignore all SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE settings. Use to script extended property settings only. Script may require editing prior to running on destination database.
SQLDMOScript2_ExtendedProperty 4194304 Include extended property scripting as part of object scripting.
SQLDMOScript2_FullTextCat 2097152 Command batch includes Transact-SQL statements creating Microsoft Search full-text catalogs.
SQLDMOScript2_FullTextIndex 524288 Generated script includes statements defining Microsoft Search full-text indexing. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. Include security identifiers for logons scripted.
SQLDMOScript2_JobDisable 33554432 Disable the job at the end of script creation. SQLDMOScript2_PrimaryObject must also be specified.
SQLDMOScript2_LoginSID 8192 Include security identifiers for logins scripted.
SQLDMOScript2_NoCollation 8388608 Do not script the collation clause if source is an instance of SQL Server version 7.0 or later. The default is to generate collation.
SQLDMOScript2_NoFG 16 Generated script does not include 'ON <filegroup>' clause directing filegroup use. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table.
SQLDMOScript2_NoWhatIfIndexes 512 Do not script hypothetical indexes used to implement the CREATE STATISTICS statement. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table.
SQLDMOScript2_UnicodeFile 4 Generated script output file is a Unicode-character text file.


Use the AddObject and AddObjectByName methods of the Transfer object to build a list of SQL Server components copied from one database to another. With the list built, configure component transfer using the ScriptType and Script2Type properties.

See Also

AddObject Method

ScriptType Property

AddObjectByName Method