The SetFullTextIndexWithOptions method creates or removes a full-text index on the current column.
Index ,
[ LanguageID ] ,
[ ColumnType ] )
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
Optional long integer that specifies the language identifier for the image column. Default: -1.
Optional string that specifies the data type of the column. Default is NULL.
HRESULT SetFullTextIndexWithOptions(
BOOL Index,
long LanguageID,
In addition to referencing string data types in full-text indexes, Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 supports the creation of full-text indexes on image columns.
Set the Index parameter to TRUE to create a full-text index on the current column. Set the Index parameter to FALSE to remove an index on the column.
Prior to setting the LanguageID parameter, an application can call the EnumFullTextLanguages method of the Registry2 object to retrieve a list of available languages. If the LanguageID parameter is omitted, the default language is used. If Index is set to FALSE, LanguageID is ignored.
The ColumnType parameter is required when creating a full-text index on an image column. Prior to setting SetFullTextIndexWithOptions, use the FullTextImageColumnType property to determine the underlying data type of the image column.
Note If an application calls SetFullTextIndexWithOptions on an instance of SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000" are returned.