ReadBackupHeader Method (BackupDevice)

The ReadBackupHeader method returns a QueryResults object that enumerates the contents of the media maintained by a backup device.

Applies To
BackupDevice Object


object.ReadBackupHeader( ) as QueryResults



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT ReadBackupHeader(


A QueryResults object containing one result set defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
BackupName nvarchar(130) Backup set name.
BackupDescription nvarchar(256) Backup set description.
BackupType tinyint Backup type:

1 = Database
2 = Transaction Log
4 = File
5 = Differential Database

ExpirationDate smalldatetime Expiration date for the backup set.
Compressed tinyint 0 = FALSE. Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 does not support software compression.
Position smallint Position of the backup set in the volume.
DeviceType tinyint Number corresponding to the device used for the backup operation:

2 = Temporary disk device.
102 = Permanent disk device.

5 = Temporary tape device.
105 = Permanent tape device.

6 = Temporary named pipe device.
106 = Permanent named pipe device.

7 = Temporary virtual device.
107 = Permanent virtual device.

Device names for permanent devices can be found in sysdevices.

UserName nvarchar(130) Name of user that performed the backup operation.
ServerName nvarchar(130) Name of the server that wrote the backup set.
DatabaseName nvarchar(130) Name of the database that was backed up.
DatabaseVersion integer Version of the database from which the backup was created.
DatabaseCreationDate smalldatetime Date and time the database was created.
BackupSize numeric(20,0) Size of the backup, in bytes.
FirstLsn numeric(25,0) Log sequence number of the first transaction in the backup set. NULL for file backups.
LastLsn numeric(25,0) Log sequence number of the last transaction in the backup set. NULL for file backups.
CheckpointLsn numeric(25,0) Log sequence number of the most recent checkpoint at the time the backup was created.
DatabaseBackupLsn numeric(25,0) Log sequence number of the most recent full database backup.
BackupStartDate smalldatetime Date and time that the backup operation began.
BackupFinishDate smalldatetime Date and time that the backup operation finished.
SortOrder smallint Server sort order. This column is valid for database backups only.
CodePage smallint Server code page or character set used by the server.
CompatibilityLevel tinyint Compatibility level setting of the database from which the backup was created.
SoftwareVendorId integer Software vendor identification number. For SQL Server, this number is 4608 (or hexadecimal 0x1200).
SoftwareVersionMajor integer Major version number of the server that created the backup set.
SoftwareVersionMinor integer Minor version number of the server that created the backup set.
SoftwareVersionBuild integer Build number of the server that created the backup set.
MachineName nvarchar(130) Name of the computer that performed the backup operation.


SQL Server can share backup media with other operating system utilities that perform backup of other data, and the media in a device may contain headers created by other utilities.

When the media of a backup device is unused, such as when a disk device is empty, the ReadBackupHeader method succeeds, returning an empty QueryResults object.