EnumJobNotifications Method

The EnumJobNotifications method returns a QueryResults object that enumerates notifications made by Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Agent on completion of job execution.

Applies To
Operator Object


object.EnumJobNotifications as QueryResults



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT EnumJobNotifications(


The EnumJobNotifications method returns a QueryResults object that contains one result set defined by these columns.

Column name Data type Description
job_id uniqueidentifier System-generated identifier for a SQL Server Agent job.
name nvarchar(129) Job name.
notify_level_email integer Job completion status causing notification by e-mail. Interpret as described in Remarks.
notify_level_netsend integer Job completion status causing notification by network pop-up message. Interpret as described in Remarks.
notify_level_page integer Job completion status causing notification by pager. Interpret as described in Remarks.


Interpret values returned in value returned in the notify_level_email, notify_level_netsend, and notify_level_page columns using these values.

Value Description
0 Operator not configured for notification by notification method.
1 Operator receives notification of a successful job execution.
2 Operator receives notification of an unsuccessful execution attempt.
3 Operator receives notification regardless of execution outcome.

The result set returned enumerates all jobs for which an operator will receive notification on execution attempt completion. At least one of the columns notify_level_email, notify_level_netsend, or notify_level_page will contain a non-zero value for all rows in the result set.