The EnumSubscriptions method returns a QueryResults object that enumerates the subscriptions to a replication publication.
object.EnumSubscriptions( ) as QueryResults
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
For the MergePublication object, a QueryResults object that contains one result set defined by these columns.
Column | Data type | Description |
description | nvarchar(256) | Descriptive text. |
full_publication | tinyint | Reserved. |
merge_jobid | binary(22) | Identifier of the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Agent job launching the replication agent. |
priority | single | Conflict resolution priority. |
publication | nvarchar(129) | Publication name. |
publisher | nvarchar(129) | Name of the publishing data source. |
publisher_db | nvarchar(129) | Name of the database referenced by the publication. |
status | integer | Subscription status. Interpret the value using SQLDMO_SUBSTATUS_TYPE. |
subscriber | nvarchar(129) | Name of the subscribing data source. |
subscriber_db | nvarchar(129) | Name of the subscribed database at the Subscriber. |
subscriber_type | integer | Subscriber type. |
subscription_name | nvarchar(258) | Subscription name. |
subscription_type | integer | Subscription direction. Interpret the value using SQLDMO_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE. |
sync_type | tinyint | Type of synchronization used. Interpret the value using SQLDMO_SUBSYNC_TYPE. |
For the TransPublication object, a QueryResults object that contains one result set defined by these columns.
Column | Data type | Description |
article | nvarchar(129) | When publication is not full, article subscribed to. |
destination database | nvarchar(129) | Name of the subscribed database at the Subscriber. |
distribution job id | binary(22) | Identifier of the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Agent job that starts the replication agent. |
full subscription | bit | When TRUE, subscription subscribes to all articles defined in the publication. |
loopback_detection | bit | When TRUE, Distributor sends Subscriber-originated transactions back to originating Subscriber. |
publication | nvarchar(129) | Publication name. |
subscriber | nvarchar(129) | Name of the subscribing data source. |
subscription status | tinyint | Subscription status. Interpret the value using SQLDMO_SUBSTATUS_TYPE. |
subscription type | integer | Subscription direction. Interpret the value using SQLDMO_ SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE. |
subscription_name | nvarchar(256) | Subscription name. |
synchronization type | tinyint | Type of synchronization used. Interpret the value using SQLDMO_SUBSYNC_TYPE. |
update mode | integer | When 0, the subscription is read-only. When 1, updates to article images maintained at the Subscriber are propagated to the Publisher. |