SQL-DMO Samples

The following samples illustrate Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 SQL-DMO application development in Microsoft Visual C++® and Microsoft Visual Basic®.

Sample Description
Soc C language sample. Creates an instance of a SQLServer object and calls the Connect member function.
BackRestEvents (C++) C++ language sample. Illustrates using SQL Server to backup and restore a database, and uses events to report the current status.
Dmoping C++ language sample. Uses the PingSQLServerVersion method to query an instance of SQL Server. Illustrates using SQL-DMO in an environment containing multiple instances of SQL Server.
Smartptr C++ language sample. Illustrates SQL-DMO development using COM object support built into Visual C++ 5.0
Socpp C++ language sample. Creates an instance of a SQLServer object and calls the Connect member function.
AxSQLDMOCtl Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to create a User Control that uses SQLDMO
BackRestEvents (Visual Basic) Visual Basic sample. Illustrates using SQL Server to backup and restore a database, and uses events to report the current status.
BackupDevice Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use the BackupDevice Object to add and remove a backup device
CreateDatabase Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to create a database.
CreateTable Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to create and alter tables.
DMOExplorer Visual Basic sample. Walks the DMO object model and displays the values in it.
Enums Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use the SQLServer enumeration methods.
Explore Visual Basic sample. Illustrates using SQL-DMO to browse SQL Server configuration in an enterprise.
Idxtest Visual Basic sample. Illustrates using SQL-DMO to build and test the benefit of SQL Server indexes.
Login Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to locate the available SQL servers and log in to them.
Registry Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use the SQL DMO object model to find Registry information for an instance of SQL Server.
Service Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to use the SQLServer object to check the status of the service, and to start and stop it.
SQLScripts Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to generate SQL scripts to recreate various SQL Server objects.
VerifyBackup Visual Basic sample. Demonstrates how to find backup devices and verify the backup set.

To install the samples during SQL Server installation
  1. On the Setup Type page, select Custom.

  2. On the Select Components page, under Components, select Code Samples.

Samples are installed as a self-extracting file. To extract the samples, double-click Unzip_sqldmo.exe, located at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Devtools\Samples\Sqldmo

All samples include a project file applicable to the language used.

The SQL-DMO C and C++ samples have been built for the Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows NT® 4.0, and Windows 2000 operating systems.

For C and C++ sample compilation, the Microsoft SQL Server™ development files must be installed to obtain the SQL-DMO header files. After installation, set your compiler include directory path to contain C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\DevTools\Include so that the compiler can access the Sqldmo.h and Sqldmoid.h files.


C and C++ samples require Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.0. Visual Basic samples require Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0.

See Also
