The RowsCopied event occurs when a bulk copy operation completes processing for a system-defined number of rows.
Private Sub object_RowsCopied( Message as String , Rows as Long )
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
String that contains descriptive message text
Long integer that specifies a number of rows copied.
HRESULT RowsCopied(SQLDMO_LPCSTR Message, long Rows);
SQL-DMO raises the RowsCopied event only when the UseServerSideBCP property of the BulkCopy object is False.
The Microsoft® SQL Server™ bulk copy process can copy large amounts of data between an external data file and a SQL Server table or view.
By default, a bulk copy operation occurs entirely within one transaction. When a single transaction exists for a bulk copy operation, SQL Server provides operation status through messages reporting the number of rows copied.