PercentComplete Event

The PercentComplete event occurs when a backup, restore, or replication operation reaches a completion unit.

Applies To
Backup Object Restore Object
Replication Object  


Private Sub object_PercentComplete( Message as String , Percent as Long )



Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list


String that contains descriptive message text


Long integer representation of a percentage value. The value is the percent of processing complete scaled by 100. For example, a process seven percent complete reports the value 7.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT PercentComplete(SQLDMO_LPCSTR Message, long Percent);


With SQL-DMO, use the SQLBackup, SQLRestore, and SQLVerify methods to start a backup or restore operation.

By default, SQL-DMO raises the PercentComplete event as each tenth of a backup or restore operation completes (when the percent of the operation completed is 10, 20, 30, and so on). Use the PercentCompleteNotification property of the Backup and Restore objects to change default behavior.

For the Replication object, the PercentComplete event is reserved for future use.