Creating SQL Server Components Using SQL-DMO Objects

Using SQL-DMO to define new Microsoft® SQL Server™ components is always a three-step process. The application:

  1. Requests a new object from SQL-DMO.

  2. Configures the object to reflect the desired attributes of the SQL Server component.

  3. Adds the appropriately configured object to the containing collection.

For most administrative tasks automated with SQL-DMO, the simple, three-step process is quickly evident.

The Microsoft Visual Basic® example shows adding a computed row total column:

Dim oColumn As New SQLDMO.Column

oColumn.Name = "SubTotalNoDiscount"
oColumn.Datatype = "money"
oColumn.ComputedText = "CONVERT(money,  Quantity * UnitPrice)"
oColumn.IsComputed = True

oSQLServer.Databases("Northwind").Tables("[Order Details]").Columns.Add oColumn

The complexity of a DBMS implementation may sometimes obscure this simple process. For example, to define a SQL Server database using SQL-DMO:

The database is created by successively applying nested iterations of the three-step process. This example is still simple, and does not include details such as multiple filegroups with multiple database files or multiple log files.

For more information about the details of creating a specific SQL Server component using a SQL-DMO object, see Objects.