Scheduling Subfrequency Constants (SQLDMO_FREQSUB_TYPE)

Scheduling subfrequency constants specify a smaller scheduling unit for specific schedule frequencies. For example, an administrative or replication task may be scheduled to occur on the days of the business week. Using subfrequency constants, the task may be scheduled for execution every eight hours on each scheduled day.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOFreqSub_Hour 8 Schedule reflects an activity scheduled using an hour as the unit.
SQLDMOFreqSub_Minute 4 Schedule reflects an activity scheduled using a minute as the unit.
SQLDMOFreqSub_Once 1 Schedule reflects an activity that occurs once on a scheduled unit.
SQLDMOFreqSub_Unknown 0 Subunits are invalid for the scheduled activity.
SQLDMOFreqSub_Valid 13 Mask to test schedule subfrequency validity.

See Also

FrequencySubDay Property