Replication publication attribute constants specify available replication function for a referenced publication.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowAnonymous | 4 | Allow anonymous Subscriber-originated subscriptions against the referenced publication. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowPull | 2 | Allow known Subscriber-originated (pull) subscriptions against the referenced publication. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowPush | 1 | Allow Publisher to force subscription to the publication. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowSubscriptionCopy | 100 | Allow copying and attaching of subscription database to other Subscribers. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_CompressSnapshot | 128 | Compress snapshot files. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_Default | 1 | SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowPush. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_ImmediateSync | 16 | Force immediate synchronization of the referenced publication. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_IndependentAgent | 32 | Run agent as an independent agent. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_InternetEnabled | 8 | Enable the referenced publication for distribution across the Internet. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_Min | 0 | Referenced publication is disabled. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_SnapshotInDefaultFolder | 64 | Keep snapshot copy in default folder. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_Unknown | 256 | Referenced publication has a bad or unknown attribute setting. |
SQLDMOPubAttrib_Valid | 511 | Mask for valid attribute settings. |