SQL-DMO errors are categorized, roughly grouping errors returned by source or process. SQL-DMO defines the macro SQLDMO_ECAT_MASK, which can be used to determine the error category. For more information about using SQLDMO_ECAT_MASK, see Handling SQL-DMO Errors and Helpful Macros.
The following table documents SQL-DMO error categories.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDCONTEXT | 0x5000 | Method call, property get, or property set is not valid in context. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDOBJECT | 0x5100 | SQL-DMO object is not valid. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDOBJECTDEFINITION | 0x5200 | Microsoft® SQL Server™ component creation failed due to error in definition of component. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDPARAMETER | 0x5300 | Invalid argument value on method call or property set. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDPLATFORM | 0x5400 | Invalid version of SQL Server or an invalid version of SQL-DMO. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_ITEMNOTFOUND | 0x5500 | Collection item dereferencing errors (item not locatable by name or ordinal position out of range). |
SQLDMO_ECAT_UNPRIVILEGEDLOGIN | 0x5600 | Login used for SQLServer object connection does not have sufficient privilege to perform the requested operation. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_EXECUTION | 0x5700 | Errors indicating a query execution error or an inaccessible database. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_CONNECTION | 0x5800 | SQLServer object failed an automatic reconnect attempt. A connection cannot be restored. |
SQLDMO_ECAT_RESOURCE | 0x5900 | Insufficient resources either locally or on the server. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDCONTEXT include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_ALREADYCONN | 0x5000 | Attempt to use the Connect method of a connected SQLServer object. |
SQLDMO_E_ALREADYCOLL | 0x5001 | Attempt to add an object redundantly to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTCONN | 0x5002 | SQLServer object is not connected. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDROPSERVER | 0x5003 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NOCOMPLEXALTER | 0x5004 | Attempt to modify a property not changeable on an existing SQL Server component. |
SQLDMO_E_PROPNEEDSCREATE | 0x5005 | Property or method not available until the object (or its parent, if appropriate) references an existing SQL Server component. |
SQLDMO_E_COLTYPEFIXED | 0x5006 | Data type is fixed length; no length can be specified. |
SQLDMO_E_COLTYPENONNULL | 0x5007 | Data type does not allow NULL value. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTCHANGEUDDT | 0x5008 | Attempt to set the AllowNulls, BaseType, Length, NumericPrecision, or NumericScale property of a UserDefinedDatatype object referencing an existing user-defined data type. |
SQLDMO_E_BASETYPEFIXED | 0x5009 | Base data type is fixed length; no length can be specified. |
SQLDMO_E_BASETYPENONNULL | 0x500A | Base data type does not allow NULL values. |
SQLDMO_E_ENUMORDINAL | 0x500B | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEUSER | 0x500C | Attempt to set the Name or Login property of a User object referencing an existing user. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMELOGIN | 0x500E | Attempt to set the Name property of a Login object referencing an existing login. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEDEVICE | 0x500F | Attempt to set the Name, PhysicalLocation, SkipTapeLabel, or Type property of a BackupDevice object referencing an existing device. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTDUMPPROP | 0x5010 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NOSERVERASSOC | 0x5011 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTCOLLTYPE | 0x5012 | Object type does not match the collection type on Add method call. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYDRIINDEX | 0x5013 | Referenced index supports a declarative referential integrity constraint. Remove method of the Index object or Indexes collection fails, use Key object or Keys collection to drop the index. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTCHANGEPROCTYPE | 0x5014 | Attempt to set the Type property of a StoredProcedure object referencing an existing stored procedure. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYINDEX | 0x5015 | Attempt to set the FileGroup, IndexedColumns, NoRecompute, StatisticsIndex, or Type property, or attempt to use GenerateCreationSQL or GenerateSQL methods, of an Index object referencing an existing index. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPRIVOBJ | 0x5016 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NOVIEWCOLALTER | 0x5018 | Column object retrieved by using the ListColumns method of the View object cannot be used to modify the column referenced. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMERSERVER | 0x501A | Attempt to set the Name property of a RemoteServer object referencing an existing remote server. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMERLOGIN | 0x501B | Attempt to set the LocalName or RemoteName property of a RemoteLogin object referencing an existing remote login. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBEDBDEV | 0x501C | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NOACTIVEMIRROR | 0x501E | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NOMIRROR | 0x501F | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERDISCONNECTED | 0x5020 | SQLServer object DisConnect method has been called. Use Connect or ReConnect to reestablish connection. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMESERVER | 0x5021 | Attempt to set the Login, LoginSecure, LoginTimeout, Name, NetPacketSize, or Password property of a connected SQLServer object. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYTEXT | 0x5022 | Attempt to set the Text property of a Default or Rule object that references an existing component. Attempt to set the Text property of a StoredProcedure object that references an existing extended stored procedure. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYSYSTABLE | 0x5023 | Attempt to set the Name property, or attempt to use BeginAlter, DoAlter, ImportData, Remove, or TruncateData method, of a Table object that references a SQL Server system table. |
SQLDMO_E_LOGINALREADYALIASED | 0x5024 | Error in alias reassignment performed by the SetOwner method. |
SQLDMO_E_LOGINALREADYUSER | 0x5025 | Error in user existence check performed by the SetOwner method. |
SQLDMO_E_CACHENORESULTS | 0x5026 | Attempt to get or set a property or call a method on an empty QueryResults object. |
SQLDMO_E_ALREADYCREATED | 0x5027 | Attempt to set a property or use the GenerateSQL method of an object that references an existing component. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTDISCONN | 0x5028 | Attempt to call the ReConnect method of a connected SQLServer object. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYARTTABLE | 0x5029 | Attempt to set the SourceObjectName or SourceObjectOwner property of an object that references an existing merge, transactional, snapshot, or distribution article. |
SQLDMO_E_PROPERTYCANNOTBEMODIFIED | 0x502A | Attempt to set a property not changeable when the object references an existing replication component. |
SQLDMO_E_BASETYPENOTNUMERIC | 0x502B | Attempt to set the NumericPrecision or NumericScale property of a Column or UserDefinedDatatype object that does not reference a fixed numeric precision and scale data type. |
SQLDMO_E_TOFILEBUTNOFILENAME | 0x502C | Object scripting arguments specify a single file as output, and no file name is provided. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYKEY | 0x502E | Attempt to set the Clustered, ExcludeReplication, FileGroup, Type, or ReferencedTable property of a Key object that references an existing primary or foreign key. |
SQLDMO_E_LISTCANTREFRESH | 0x502F | Attempt to use the Refresh method of a list object cannot complete. Re-call method returning the list object. |
SQLDMO_E_NOCOLTABLE | 0x5030 | This column object is not associated with a table. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBEINALTER | 0x5031 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMESERVERGROUP | 0x5033 | Attempt to set the Name property of a ServerGroup object that references an existing server group. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEREGISTEREDSERVER | 0x5034 | Attempt to set the Name property of a RegisteredServer object that references an existing registered server. |
SQLDMO_E_INDEXREBUILDKEYTYPE | 0x5035 | RebuildIndex method called on a Key object that references a FOREIGN KEY constraint. |
SQLDMO_E_REBUILDINDEXOPTIONS | 0x5036 | Invalid IndexType argument specified on RebuildIndexes method call. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEPUBLICATION | 0x5038 | Attempt to set the Name property of an object that references an existing distribution, merge or transactional replication publication. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYSPARTTYPE | 0x5039 | Attempt to change the ArticleType property of a TransArticle object that references stored procedure execution. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDDISTDB | 0x503A | DistributionDatabase property of a DistributionPublisher object does not reference an existing database. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYTABLE | 0x503B | Attempt to set the FileGroup or TextFileGroup property, or attempt to use the GenerateSQL method, of a Table object that references an existing table. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDROPFILEGROUP | 0x503C | Attempt to use the Remove method of the FileGroup object or FileGroups collection that indicates a file group that maintains indexes. |
SQLDMO_E_DEFAULTFILEGROUP | 0x503D | Attempt to set the Name or ReadOnly property, or attempt to use the Remove method of the FileGroup object or FileGroups collection that indicates the primary file group. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRESETLOGINTYPE | 0x503F | Attempt to set the Type property of a Login object that references an existing login. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRESETPASSWORD | 0x5040 | Attempt to set the AppRole or Password property of a DatabaseRole object that references an existing application role. |
SQLDMO_E_PRESQL70 | 0x5041 | Method or property no longer implemented. |
SQLDMO_E_PROPBEFORECREATE | 0x5042 | Attempt to get the Password property of a DatabaseRole object or set the Role property of a User object that references an existing component. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEROLE | 0x5043 | Attempt to set the Name property of a DatabaseRole object that references an existing database role. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDROPFIXEDROLE | 0x5044 | Attempt to use the Remove method of the DatabaseRole object or DatabaseRoles collection that indicate a system-defined database role. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTADDTOAPPROLE | 0x5045 | Attempt to use the AddMember method of a DatabaseRole object that references an application role. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTGETROLE | 0x5046 | Attempt to get the Role property of a User object that references an existing user. The Role property is read-write using the User object to create a user. |
SQLDMO_E_USERDBROLE | 0x5047 | Attempt to use the ListDatabasePermissions or ListObjectPermissions method of a DatabaseRole object that references a system-defined database role. |
SQLDMO_E_FIXEDDBROLE | 0x5048 | Attempt to use the EnumFixedDatabaseRole Permission method of a DatabaseRole object that references a user-defined database role. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYFILTER | 0x5049 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDACTION | 0x504A | Returned by the SQLBackup, SQLRestore, or SQLVerify method when the Action property of the object specifies an invalid operation. |
SQLDMO_E_DBOPTION | 0x504B | Attempt to use set the RecursiveTriggers property of a DBOption object that references the system database master. |
SQLDMO_E_USEALTER | 0x504C | Attempt to set the Text property of a StoredProcedure, Trigger, or View object that references an existing component. Use the Alter method to change component definition. |
SQLDMO_E_CREATEDBPERM | 0x504D | Attempt to use a Database object that does not reference the system database master to grant, deny, or revoke permission to execute the CREATE DATABASE statement. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTCHECKFK | 0x504E | Attempt to set the Checked property of a Key object that references a primary key. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTINMB | 0x504F | Attempt to get the FileGrowthInKB property of a DBFile or LogFile object that references an operating system file expanded by percentage of current size calculation. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMELSERVER | 0x5050 | Attempt to set the Catalog, DataSource, Location, Name, ProductName, ProviderName, or ProviderString property of a LinkedServer object that references an existing linked server. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMELLOGIN | 0x5051 | Attempt to set the LocalLogin property of a LinkedServerLogin object referencing an existing linked server login. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEFULLTEXT | 0x5052 | Attempt to set the FullTextCatalogName or UniqueIndexForFullText property of a Table object that references a full-text indexed table. |
SQLDMO_E_NOFULLTEXT | 0x5053 | Attempt to set the FullTextIndexActive property of a Table object that references a table not full-text indexed, or attempt to set the FullTextIndex property of a Column object that references a column in a table not full-text indexed. |
SQLDMO_E_ACTIVATEFULLTEXT | 0x5054 | Attempt to set the FullTextIndex property of a Column object that references a column in a table with full-text indexing active. Use the FullTextIndexActive property of the Table object to deactivate full-text indexing. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTFULLTEXTENABLED | 0x5055 | Database referenced by full-text indexing component is not enabled for full-text indexing. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDROPLOGFILE | 0x5056 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDROPLSLOGIN | 0x5057 | Attempt to use the Remove method of the LinkedServerLogin object or LinkedServerLogins collection that indicates a system-defined linked server login. |
SQLDMO_E_SCRIPTPWD | 0x5058 | Attempt to use the Script method of a Login object to script a password to a non-Unicode file. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMESTAT | 0x505A | Attempt to set the Name property of an Index object that references an existing data distribution statistics index. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDROPAUTOINDEX | 0x505B | Attempt to use the Remove method of the Index object or Indexes collection that indicates a data distribution statistics index. |
SQLDMO_E_FROMGUEST | 0x505C | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYNONTABLEARTTYPE | 0x5064 | You can change the type of an existing article only if it is a table article. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYARTTYPE | 0x5065 | You cannot change the type of an existing merge article. |
SQLDMO_E_REGERROR | 0x5066 | Registry error occurred. Registry key may not exist. |
SQLDMO_E_NOCOLUMNALTER | 0x5067 | Attempt to modify existing column not supported because data type cannot be altered after creation. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDRESTORE | 0x5068 | BackupSetName property is not supported by the Restore object. |
SQLDMO_E_NONTRANSFERENCRYPTED | 0x5069 | You cannot transfer an encrypted stored procedure using an instance of SQL Server 2000. |
SQLDMO_E_UDFSCRIPTERR | 0x506A | User-defined function text cannot be retrieved. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDOBJECT include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_OBJECTDROPPED | 0x5100 | Object invalid due to Remove method call. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTSQLDMOOBJECT | 0x5101 | OLE object passed to a SQL-DMO method is not a SQL-DMO object. |
SQLDMO_E_OBJECTDETACHED | 0x5102 | Object invalid due to Refresh method call or other method forcing reference release. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERCLOSED | 0x5103 | Object invalid due to Close method call or other method of the SQLServer object forcing application reference release. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRENAMEUDF | 0x5105 | You cannot rename an existing user-defined function. |
SQLDMO_E_PRESQL80 | 0x5106 | OLE object passed to a SQL-DMO method is a pre-SQL Server 2000 object. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDOBJECTDEFINITION include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_NOCOLUMNSADDED | 0x5200 | Attempt to add a Table object with an empty Columns collection to the Tables collection of a Database object. DoAlter method of the Table object called and Columns collection is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_COLUMNINCOMPLETE | 0x5201 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Column object to its containing collection. Occurs when the IsComputed property of the Column object is False. |
SQLDMO_E_TABLEINCOMPLETE | 0x5202 | Attempt to add a Table object with an empty Name property to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_UDDTINCOMPLETE | 0x5203 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined UserDefinedDatatype object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_RULEINCOMPLETE | 0x5204 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Rule object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DEFAULTINCOMPLETE | 0x5205 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Default object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_VIEWINCOMPLETE | 0x5206 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined View object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_USERINCOMPLETE | 0x5207 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined User object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_GROUPINCOMPLETE | 0x5208 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_PROCINCOMPLETE | 0x5209 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined StoredProcedure object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_USERALREADYEXISTS | 0x520A | Attempt to add a User object to a Users collection that exposes a user of the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_COLUMNALREADYEXISTS | 0x520C | Attempt to add a Column object to a Columns collection that exposes a column of the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_LOGINALREADYEXISTS | 0x5210 | Attempt to add a Login object to a Logins collection that exposes a login of the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_SKIPONLYTAPE | 0x5212 | Attempt to set the SkipTapeLabel property when using the BackupDevice object to define a disk or named pipe backup device. |
SQLDMO_E_DEVICEINCOMPLETE | 0x5213 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined BackupDevice object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_INDEXINCOMPLETE | 0x521A | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Index object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_TRIGINCOMPLETE | 0x521B | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Trigger object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_LOGININCOMPLETE | 0x521F | Attempt to create a login based on incomplete data. Logins are created by the Add method of the Logins collection, and by methods that implement replication. |
SQLDMO_E_RSERVERINCOMPLETE | 0x5220 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined RemoteServer object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_NULLRLOGINALREADYEXISTS | 0x5222 | Attempt to add a RemoteLogin object that defines an unnamed remote login to a RemoteLogins collection that exposes an unnamed remote login. |
SQLDMO_E_RLOGINALREADYEXISTS | 0x5223 | Attempt to add a RemoteLogin object to a RemoteLogins collection that exposes a remote login of the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_REMOTENEEDSLOCAL | 0x5224 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined RemoteLogin object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPNEEDSDEVICE | 0x5225 | Attempt to use the SQLBackup method of an incompletely defined Backup object. Set the Devices, Files, Tapes, or Pipes property to specify a device. |
SQLDMO_E_NEEDMANUALFILTERNAME | 0x5226 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined TransArticle object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_TASKINCOMPLETE | 0x5227 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_ARTINCOMPLETE | 0x5228 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DistributionArticle, MergeArticle, or TransArticle object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_PUBINCOMPLETE | 0x5229 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DistributionPublication, MergePublication, or TransPublication object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_SUBINCOMPLETE | 0x522A | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DistributionSubscription or TransSubscription object to its containing collection. Attempt to add an incompletely defined RegisteredSubscriber object to register a new Subscriber. |
SQLDMO_E_ALERTINCOMPLETE | 0x522B | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Alert object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_OPERATORINCOMPLETE | 0x522C | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Operator object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_NAMEMUSTMATCH | 0x522D | Name of the SQL Server object, as specified in the Text property of a StoredProcedure, Trigger, or View object, does not match the value of the Name property of the SQL-DMO object. Occurs when adding an object to its containing collection and when the Alter method is called. |
SQLDMO_E_TRIGREQTABLENAME | 0x522E | Table name cannot be found in the Text property of a Trigger object. Occurs when adding a Trigger object to its containing collection and when the Alter method is called. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBESYNCTASK | 0x522F | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_FKEYINCOMPLETE | 0x5231 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Key object to its containing collection. Occurs when the Type property is SQLDMOKey_Foreign. |
SQLDMO_E_KEYINCOMPLETE | 0x5232 | KeyColumns is empty, or Type property is not set when using the Key object to create a primary or foreign key. |
SQLDMO_E_KEYALREADYEXISTS | 0x5233 | Attempt to add a Key object to a Keys collection that exposes a key of the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_CHECKINCOMPLETE | 0x5234 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Check object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_CHECKALREADYEXISTS | 0x5236 | Attempt to add a Check object to a Checks collection that exposes an integrity constraint of the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_ONLYONEPRIMARYKEY | 0x5237 | Attempt to add a Key object defining a primary key to a Keys collection exposing a primary key. |
SQLDMO_E_NEEDMANUALVIEWNAME | 0x5238 | TransArticle object ArticleType property includes SQLDMORep_ ManualSyncView and no view specified. Occurs when adding the TransArticle object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERGROUPINCOMPLETE | 0x5239 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined ServerGroup object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_REGISTEREDSERVERINCOMPLETE | 0x523A | Attempt to add an incompletely defined RegisteredServer object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERGROUPALREADYEXISTS | 0x523B | Attempt to add a ServerGroup object to a ServerGroups collection that exposes a server group with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_REGISTEREDSERVERALREADYEXISTS | 0x523C | Attempt to add a RegisteredServer object to a RegisteredServers collection that exposes a server with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_DISTDBALREADYEXISTS | 0x523E | Attempt to add a DistributionDatabase object to a DistributionDatabases collection that exposes a database with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_DISTPUBALREADYEXISTS | 0x523F | Attempt to add a DistributionPublisher object to a DistributionPublishers collection that exposes a publisher with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_JOBSTEPINCOMPLETE | 0x5240 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined JobStep object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_TARGETSERVERINCOMPLETE | 0x5241 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined TargetServer object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_TARGETSERVERGROUPINCOMPLETE | 0x5242 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined TargetServerGroup object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_JOBINCOMPLETE | 0x5243 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined JobSchedule object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBESYNCJOB | 0x5244 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_JOBCATEGORYINCOMPLETE | 0x5245 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Category object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_REGPUBINCOMPLETE | 0x5246 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_REGSUBINCOMPLETE | 0x5247 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined RegisteredSubscriber object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DISTPUBINCOMPLETE | 0x5248 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DistributionPublisher object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DISTDBINCOMPLETE | 0x5249 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DistributionDatabase object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_FILEGROUPINCOMPLETE | 0x524A | Attempt to add an incompletely defined FileGroup object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DBFILEINCOMPLETE | 0x524B | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DBFile object to its containing collection. File(s) not specified when using the AttachDB or AttachDBWithSingleFile method of the SQLServer object. |
SQLDMO_E_LOGFILEINCOMPLETE | 0x524C | Attempt to add an incompletely defined LogFile object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_FILEGROUPALREADYEXISTS | 0x524D | Attempt to add a FileGroup object to a FileGroups collection that exposes a filegroup with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_DATABASEINCOMPLETE | 0x5250 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Database object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DATABASEROLEALREADYEXISTS | 0x5251 | Attempt to add a DatabaseRole object to a DatabaseRoles collection that exposes a role with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_DATABASEROLEINCOMPLETE | 0x5252 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined DatabaseRole object to its containing collection. Role not specified when using the IsMember method of the User object. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERROLEINCOMPLETE | 0x5253 | Role not specified when using the IsMember method of the Login object. |
SQLDMO_E_DSNINFOINCOMPLETE | 0x5254 | ValidateDataSource method failed. |
SQLDMO_E_FILTERINCOMPLETE | 0x5255 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined MergeSubsetFilter object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_OWNERMUSTMATCH | 0x5256 | Owner of the SQL Server object, as specified in the Text property of a StoredProcedure, Trigger, or View, does not match the value of the Owner property of the SQL-DMO object. Occurs when adding an object to its containing collection and when the Alter method is called. |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPNEEDSFILE | 0x5257 | Attempt to use the SQLBackup method of an incompletely defined Backup object or the SQLRestore or SQLVerify method of an incompletely defined Restore. Occurs when the Action property is SQLDMOBackup_Files or SQLDMORestore_Files and the Files or FileGroups property is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPNEEDSMEDIA | 0x5258 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_COLUMNCOMPUTEDINCOMPLETE | 0x5259 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined Column object to its containing collection. Occurs when the IsComputed property of the Column object is True. |
SQLDMO_E_SMALLMAXSIZE | 0x525B | Attempt to add an incorrectly defined DBFile or LogFile object to its containing collection. Occurs when the Size property specifies a value greater than that specified by the MaximumSize property. |
SQLDMO_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS | 0x525C | Attempt to add a DBFile or LogFile object to a DBFiles or LogFiles collection that exposes a file with the same logical name. |
SQLDMO_E_BADFILEGROUPNAME | 0x525D | Attempt to add an incorrectly defined FileGroup object to its containing collection. Occurs when the Name property of the FileGroup object is PRIMARY. |
SQLDMO_E_LINKEDSERVERINCOMPLETE | 0x525E | Attempt to add an incompletely defined LinkedServer object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_LINKEDPROVIDERINCOMPLETE | 0x525F | Attempt to add an incorrectly defined LinkedServer object to its containing collection. Occurs when the ProductName property specifies a value, and the ProviderName property is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_FULLTEXTINCOMPLETE | 0x5260 | Attempt to add full-text indexing to a table using an incorrectly defined Table object. |
SQLDMO_E_CATALOGALREADYEXISTS | 0x5261 | Attempt to add a FullTextCatalog object to a FullTextCatalogs collection that exposes a full-text catalog with the same name. |
SQLDMO_E_CATALOGINCOMPLETE | 0x5262 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined FullTextCatalog object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPINIT | 0x5263 | Attempt to use the SQLBackup method of an incorrectly defined Backup object. Occurs when the FormatMedia and Initialize properties are both True. |
SQLDMO_E_LINKEDSERVERLOGININCOMPLETE | 0x5264 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined LinkedServerLogin object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_NOSERVERBCP6 | 0x5265 | Attempt to set Use6xCompatible True when UseServerSideBCP is True. Attempt to set UseServerSideBCP True when Use6xCompatible is True. |
SQLDMO_E_JOBSTEPNAMEINCOMPLETE | 0x5266 | Attempt to add an incompletely defined JobStep object to its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_UDFINCOMPLETE | 0x5268 | User-defined function property settings are incomplete or incorrect. |
SQLDMO_E_FULLTEXTCOLUMNINCOMPLETE | 0x5269 | Full-text column property settings are incomplete or incorrect. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTADDREGSUBTOSQLDISTPUBSHR | 0x5270 | Attempted to add RegisteredSubscriber object to a SQL Server DistributionPublisher object instead of to a Publisher object. |
SQLDMO_E_SNAPSHOTPUBCANNOTPUBWIN | 0x5271 | ConflictPolicy property cannot be set to SQLDMOConflictPolicy_PublisherWin for a queued snapshot publication. |
SQLDMO_E_DYNAMICSNAPSHOTJOBINCOMPLETE | 0x5272 | Attempted to create MergeDynamicSnapshotJob without setting DynamicSnapshotLocation property. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDPARAMETER include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_BADCOLLEN | 0x5300 | Attempt to add an incorrectly defined Column or UserDefinedDatatype object to its containing collection. Occurs when the Length property specifies an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPERFMONSET | 0x5301 | Attempt to set the PerfMonMode property of the Registry object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_BADDEVICETYPE | 0x5302 | Attempt to set the Type property of a BackupDevice object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_SIZEGREATERTHAN0 | 0x5303 | Attempt to set the Size property of a DBFile or LogFile object to a value less than zero. |
SQLDMO_E_RESULTSETOUTOFRANGE | 0x5304 | Attempt to set the CurrentResultSet property of a QueryResults object to an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_OUTPUTPARAMREQUIRED | 0x5305 | Attempt to get a property or call a method without providing an argument required for property or method return value. |
SQLDMO_E_PROPTEXTNONNULL | 0x5306 | Attempt to set a property that incorrectly specifies an empty string. |
SQLDMO_E_BADPROCTYPE | 0x5307 | Attempt to set the Type property of a StoredProcedure object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_BADFILLFACTOR | 0x5308 | Attempt to set the FillFactor property of an Index or Key object to an out of range value. FillFactor argument out of range when RebuildIndexes method called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDINDEXTYPE | 0x5309 | Attempt to set the Type property of an Index object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPRIVTYPE | 0x530A | Deny, Grant, or Revoke method called that specifies a Privilege argument value invalid for the SQL Server object type referenced. |
SQLDMO_E_BADTRIGTYPE | 0x530B | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDDAYOFWEEK | 0x530C | Attempt to get the Day property of a Language object that specifies an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDMONTH | 0x530D | Attempt to get the Month property of a Language object that specifies an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_BADDAYCOUNT | 0x530E | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_BADMONTHCOUNT | 0x530F | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_BADCONFIGVALUE | 0x5310 | Attempt to set the CurrentValue property of a ConfigValue object to an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPARAMINDEX | 0x5311 | Attempt to get a SQL-DMO object or a string from a container object specifying an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPARAMRANGE | 0x5312 | Attempt to set a SQL-DMO property to an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDDBOBJTYPE | 0x5313 | ObjectType argument invalid when GetObjectByName or ListObjects method of Database object called. |
SQLDMO_E_ROWCOLOUTOFRANGE | 0x5314 | Row or column coordinate out of range for QueryResults object property or method. |
SQLDMO_E_NONUNIQUENAME | 0x5315 | GetObjectByName method of the Database object would return more than a single object. Qualify SQL Server object selection by using the ObjectType and/or Owner argument. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTIMESTAMPUDDT | 0x5316 | Attempt to set the BaseType property of a UserDefinedDatatype object to the invalid value timestamp. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDNAME | 0x5317 | Name property of SQL-DMO object is not a valid SQL Server identifier. Occurs when setting the Name property of SQL-DMO objects that reference database objects. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDCOMPLETION | 0x5318 | Invalid value used to set Job object completion status property (e.g. NetSendLevel). |
SQLDMO_E_NAMETOOLONG | 0x5319 | Name property of SQL-DMO object is too long for a valid SQL Server identifier. Occurs when setting the Name property of SQL-DMO objects that reference database objects. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDSRVOPTION | 0x5320 | Option argument invalid when SetOptions method of LinkedServer or RemoteServer object called. |
SQLDMO_E_DBNAMEREQUIRED | 0x5322 | Required object property or method argument that specifies source or target database is empty. Occurs when adding a SQL-DMO object, such as a MergeSubscription, to a containing collection or when using a method such as SQLBackup. |
SQLDMO_E_PUBNAMEREQUIRED | 0x5323 | Required object property or method argument that specifies source publication is empty. Occurs when adding a SQL-DMO object, such as a MergePullSubscription, to a containing collection or when using a method such as EnableTransSubscription. |
SQLDMO_E_PROPINDEXOUTOFRANGE | 0x5324 | Attempt to get a SQL-DMO Property object from a Properties collection that specifies an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDNOTIFYTYPE | 0x5325 | Attempt to set the IncludeEventDescription property of an Alert object to an invalid value. NotificationType argument invalid when AddNotification, EnumNotifications, or UpdateNotification method of Alert object called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDENUMNOTIFYTYPE | 0x5326 | EnumNotifyType argument invalid when EnumNotifications method of Alert object called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDWEEKDAY | 0x5327 | Attempt to set the PagerDays property of an Operator object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDOBJECTTYPE | 0x5328 | OLE object that supplies a method argument value is invalid. For example, object supplied in the BulkCopy argument of the ImportData method of the Table object is not a SQL-DMO BulkCopy object. |
SQLDMO_E_OBJECTREQUIRED | 0x5329 | SQL-DMO method requiring an object called with an empty object variable. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDKEYTYPE | 0x532C | Attempt to set the Type property of a Key object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_TABLEMUSTBECREATED | 0x532D | Table object in Table argument of GenerateCreationSQL method must reference an existing table. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPREARTICLE | 0x532E | Attempt to set the PreCreationMethod property of a MergeArticle or TransArticle object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDSECURITYMODE | 0x532F | Attempt to set the SecurityMode property of an IntegratedSecurity object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPREC | 0x5330 | Attempt to set the NumericPrecision property of a Column or UserDefinedDatatype object to an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDDEPENDENCYTYPE | 0x5331 | DependencyType argument invalid when EnumDependencies method called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDVERIFYCONNTYPE | 0x5332 | ReconnectIfDead argument invalid when VerifyConnection method called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDSTATUSINFOTYPE | 0x5333 | Attempt to get or set the StatusInfoRefetchInterval property of a SQLServer object that specifies an out of range value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDFORWARDINGSEVERITY | 0x5334 | Attempt to set the ForwardingSeverity property of an AlertSystem object that specifies an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDFORWARDINGSERVER | 0x5335 | Attempt to set the ForwardingServer property of an AlertSystem object that specifies the name of the local instance of SQL Server. |
SQLDMO_E_NAMETOOSHORT | 0x5338 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_UNEXPECTED | 0x5339 | Severe error. Error not trapped by normal SQL-DMO error handling. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDOBJSORTTYPE | 0x533B | SortBy argument invalid when ListObjects method called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDEXECTYPE | 0x533C | ExecutionType argument invalid when ExecuteImmediate method called. |
SQLDMO_E_INCOMPATIBLEPROPS | 0x533E | BulkCopy object properties that specify data file format set incorrectly. For example, the DataFileType property is SQLDMODataFile_UseFormatFile, and the FormatFilePath property is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_FILEPATHREQUIRED | 0x533F | SQL-DMO object property that specifies a file name required and not filled. For example, the DataFilePath property of a BulkCopy object is empty when the object is used in an ExportData or ImportData method call. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPROPALTER | 0x5340 | SQL-DMO object property cannot be changed when owning object is in a BeginAlter...DoAlter block. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDALTERDISTINSTALLED | 0x5341 | Attempt to set the DistributionServer property of a Distributor object that references an installed Distributor. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERNAMEREQUIRED | 0x5342 | Required property that specifies a replication source or target server is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_DISTSERVERNAMEREQUIRED | 0x5343 | Install or Uninstall method of a Distributor object called and DistributionServer property is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_WORKINGDIRREQUIRED | 0x5344 | Attempt to add an incorrectly defined DistributionPublisher object to its containing collection. Occurs when the DistributorLocal property of the containing Distributor object is True, and the DistributionWorkingDirectory property of the DistributionPublisher object is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_DISTDBREQUIRED | 0x5345 | Install method of a Distributor object called, and the DistributionDatabases collection is empty. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPUBATTRIB | 0x5349 | Attempt to set the PublicationAttributes property of a SQL-DMO replication publication object that specifies an invalid value for the publication object type. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDREPLICATIONTYPE | 0x534A | ReplicationType argument invalid when EnumPublications method called. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDSCHEMAOPTION | 0x534B | Attempt to set the CreationScriptOptions property of a TransArticle object incorrectly. Occurs when ArticleType property is SQLDMORep_ProcExecution or SQLDMORep_SerializableProcExecution, and CreationScriptOptions is not SQLDMOCreationScript_PrimaryObject or SQLDMOCreationScript_DisableScripting. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDARTICLETYPE | 0x534D | Attempt to use the AddReplicatedColumns or RemoveReplicatedColumns method of a TransArticle that references a transactional article that replicates stored procedure execution. Attempt to set the ArticleType property of a MergeArticle to SQLDMORep_ProcExecution or SQLDMORep_SerializableProcExecution. |
SQLDMO_E_SIZEGREATERTHANNEG | 0x534E | Attempt to set the FileGrowth property of a DBFile or LogFile object incorrectly. Prior to referenced file creation, the property accepts -1 to specify default value. When object references an existing file, -1 is not allowed. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDLOGINTYPE | 0x534F | Attempt to set the Type property of a Login object to an invalid value. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTMODIFYAFTERCREATE | 0x5350 | Property cannot be set for SQL-DMO object that references an existing SQL Server component. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDDSN | 0x5351 | ValidateDataSource method failed. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDNAME70 | 0x5352 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTEVEN | 0x5353 | Attempt to set the RelocateFiles property of a Restore object incorrectly. |
SQLDMO_E_MISSINGALTER | 0x5354 | Transact-SQL batch supplied in the str argument of the Alter method of a StoredProcedure, Trigger, or View object does not begin with the keyword ALTER. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTGUID | 0x5355 | GetColumnGUID method called that indicates data not selected from a uniqueidentifier type column. |
SQLDMO_E_DESTSERVERREQUIRED | 0x5356 | DestServer property is required when using the Transfer object in the Transfer method of the Database object. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTSHRINK | 0x5357 | Attempt to set the Size property of a DBFile or LogFile object incorrectly. When the SQL-DMO object references an existing file, set Size to a larger value to grow the file. Use the Shrink method to reduce operating system file size. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTDEFAULTOFF | 0x5358 | Attempt to set the Default property of a FileGroup object incorrectly. Default may be set True only. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDNTNAME | 0x5359 | SQL-DMO property that specifies an operating system file is empty or contains invalid characters. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDOUTCOMETYPE | 0x535A | Attempt to set the OutcomeTypes property of a JobHistoryFilter object incorrectly. |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDHYPOINDEXTYPE | 0x535C | Attempt to set the Type property of an Index object to an invalid value (SQLDMOIndex_Hypothetical). |
SQLDMO_E_INVALIDPING | 0x535D | PingSQLServerVersion method failed. |
SQLDMO_E_USEFTPORALTFOLDER | 0x535E | AltSnapshotFolder and UseFTP properties cannot be specified at the same time. |
SQLDMO_E_INTERNETENABLEDORALTFOLDER | 0x535F | AltSnapshotFolder property and InternetEnabled publication attribute cannot be specified at the same time. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTSQLVARIANT | 0x5361 | Referenced column in call to GetColumnSQLVariant is not of type SQLVariant. |
SQLDMO_E_CANTCONVERTVARIANT | 0x5362 | Referenced column in call to GetColumnSQLVariantToString cannot be converted. |
SQLDMO_E_USEFTPORDYNAMICSNAPSHOT | 0x5363 | DynamicSnapshotLocation and UseFTP properties cannot be set at the same time. |
SQLDMO_E_ALTSNAPSHOTFOLDERORDYNSNAP | 0x5364 | DynamicSnapshotLocation and AltSnapshotFolder properties cannot be set at the same time. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_INVALIDPLATFORM include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPSQL60ONLY | 0x5400 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_MSSQLONLY | 0x5401 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_WIN95REQUIRESCONN | 0x5402 | Returned by SQL-DMO methods that start, stop, or pause a service. When a SQL-DMO client runs on Microsoft Windows® 95, service control methods operate successfully against services running on the local computer or a computer running Microsoft Windows NT®, only. |
SQLDMO_E_NOTONWIN95 | 0x5403 | Returned by SQL-DMO methods, such as EnumNTDomainGroups, that cannot successfully execute on Windows 95. |
SQLDMO_E_SQL60ONLY | 0x5404 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_REPLSQL60ONLY | 0x5405 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_STARTUPPROCSQL60ONLY | 0x5406 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NEEDSQLDMOPROCS | 0x5407 | SQL-DMO supporting system stored procedures are not installed. |
SQLDMO_E_ALTERSQL60ONLY | 0x5408 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_MSSQLNTONLY | 0x540A | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_WIN95REQUIRESSQL60 | 0x540B | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPSQL65ONLY | 0x540C | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_SQL65ONLY | 0x540D | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_ALERTSQL65ONLY | 0x540E | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_REMOTESQL65ONLY | 0x540F | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_PIPEDEVSQL60ONLY | 0x5410 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_FKEYSQL65ONLY | 0x5411 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_SQL70ONLY | 0x5413 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_FKEYSQL70ONLY | 0x5414 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_BACKUPSQL70ONLY | 0x5415 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_NEEDSQLDMOUPGRADE | 0x5416 | Returned on an attempt to connect a SQL-DMO SQLServer object to an instance of SQL Server released prior to version 7.0. |
SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY | 0x5419 | Requires SQL Server 2000 or later. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_ITEMNOTFOUND include the following. Errors in this category indicate that an attempt to dereference, by name, an object from its containing collection failed. Using the Refresh method of the collection can correct the error condition.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_RULENOTFOUND | 0x5500 | Rule object not locatable in the Rules collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DEFAULTNOTFOUND | 0x5501 | Default object not locatable in the Defaults collection. |
SQLDMO_E_TYPENOTFOUND | 0x5502 | UserDefinedDatatype object not locatable in the UserDefinedDatatypes collection. SystemDatatype object not locatable in the SystemDatatypes collection. |
SQLDMO_E_LOGINNOTFOUND | 0x5503 | Login object not locatable in the Logins collection. |
SQLDMO_E_GROUPNOTFOUND | 0x5504 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_LANGNOTFOUND | 0x5505 | Language object not locatable in the Languages collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DBNOTFOUND | 0x5506 | Database object not locatable in the Databases collection. |
SQLDMO_E_DEVICENOTFOUND | 0x5507 | BackupDevice object not locatable in the BackupDevices collection. |
SQLDMO_E_COLUMNNOTFOUND | 0x5508 | Column object not locatable in the Columns collection of a Table object or the SQLObjectList object returned by the ListColumns method of the View object. |
SQLDMO_E_ORDOUTOFRANGE | 0x5509 | Ordinal value used to dereference an item in a collection or object list is out of range. |
SQLDMO_E_NAMENOTFOUND | 0x550A | Object not locatable by name. |
SQLDMO_E_USERNOTFOUND | 0x550B | User object not locatable in the Users collection. |
SQLDMO_E_NAMENOTINCACHE | 0x550C | Returned when an attempt to call the DoAlter method fails because the object no longer exists in its containing collection. |
SQLDMO_E_PROPNAMENOTFOUND | 0x550D | Property object not locatable in the Properties collection. |
SQLDMO_E_IDNOTFOUND | 0x550E | Returned when the ItemByID method fails to locate an object. |
SQLDMO_E_DATABASEROLENOTFOUND | 0x550F | DatabaseRole object not locatable in the DatabaseRoles collection. |
SQLDMO_E_NAMENOTFOUNDQI | 0x5510 | Returned when an object is not locatable by name and quoting identifier parts is applicable. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERNOTFOUND | 0x5512 | Server not locatable by name. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_UNPRIVILEGEDLOGIN include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBESAORDBO | 0x5600 | Login used for SQLServer object connection must be a member of the sysadmin or db_owner role to enable successful execution of property get or set or method call. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBESAORLOGIN | 0x5601 | Login used for SQLServer object connection must be a member of the sysadmin role or the login referenced by the Login object, to successfully set a Login object property. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBESA | 0x5602 | Login used for SQLServer object connection must be a member of the sysadmin role to enable successful execution of property get or set or method call. |
SQLDMO_E_MUSTBESAORSECORLOGIN | 0x5603 | Login used for SQLServer object connection must be a member of the sysadmin or securityadmin role, or the login referenced by the Login object, to enable successful execution of property get or set or method call. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_EXECUTION include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_SYSPROCERROR | 0x5700 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_CACHEEXECERROR | 0x5701 | QueryResults object row fetch failed. |
SQLDMO_E_INACCESSIBLEDB | 0x5702 | Database referenced by object or method is not accessible (offline, loading, and so on). |
SQLDMO_E_BATCHCOMPLETEWITHERRORS | 0x5703 | Command batch execution completed, errors raised. |
SQLDMO_E_BCPCOLFMTFAILED | 0x5704 | Bulk copy column formatting failed. Returned by the ExportData or ImportData method when data file format interpretation fails. |
SQLDMO_E_SUSPENDINDEX | 0x5705 | Attempt to suspend indexing prior to bulk copy operation failed. Returned by the ImportData method. |
SQLDMO_E_RESUMEINDEX | 0x5706 | Attempt to resume indexing suspended prior to bulk copy operation failed. Returned by the ImportData method. |
SQLDMO_E_BCPEXECFAILED | 0x5707 | Bulk copy operation failed. Returned by the ExportData or ImportData method. |
SQLDMO_E_BCPINITFAILED | 0x5708 | Bulk copy operation initialization failed. Returned by the ExportData or ImportData method. |
SQLDMO_E_BCPCONTROLFAILED | 0x5709 | Bulk copy operation parameter setting failed. Returned by the ExportData or ImportData method. |
SQLDMO_E_USERABORTED | 0x570A | Returned by the SQLBackup, SQLRestore, SQLVerify, ImportData, ExportData, or Transfer method when the Abort method is called to terminate object processing. |
SQLDMO_E_QIERROR | 0x570B | Attempt to set the QuotedIdentifier property of the SQLServer object failed. |
SQLDMO_E_REGIONALERROR | 0x570C | Attempt to set the RegionalSetting property of the SQLServer object failed. |
SQLDMO_E_SINGLEUSERDB | 0x570D | Database referenced by object or method is in single-user mode. |
SQLDMO_E_CANNOTCREATEARTICLEVIEW | 0x570E | Attempt to creates the synchronization object for an article to be filtered vertically or horizontally failed. |
SQLDMO_E_CANNOTCREATEARTICLEFILTER | 0x570F | Attempt to filter data to be published failed. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_CONNECTION include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_CANTRECONNDEADCONN | 0x5800 | Attempt to reestablish automatically a SQLServer object connection failed. |
Errors masked by SQLDMO_ECAT_RESOURCE include the following.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMO_E_OUTOFMEMORY | 0x5900 | Insufficient memory on the client. |
SQLDMO_E_NOMOREDEVNOS | 0x5901 | Reserved. |
SQLDMO_E_SERVERLOCKTIMEDOUT | 0x5902 | Attempt to obtain a lock on a server resource failed. |
SQLDMO_E_APPLOCKTIMEDOUT | 0x5903 | Attempt to obtain a lock on a local resource failed. |