Database Status Constants (SQLDMO_DBSTATUS_TYPE)

Use database status constants to interpret the return value of the Status property of the Database object.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMODBStat_All 34784 All database status constants combined by using an OR logical operator
SQLDMODBStat_EmergencyMode 32768 Emergency mode has been initiated on the referenced database
SQLDMODBStat_Inaccessible 992 SQLDMODBStat_Loading, SQLDMODBStat_Offline, SQLDMODBStat_Recovering, and SQLDMODBStat_Suspect combined by using an OR logical operator
SQLDMODBStat_Loading 32 Database loading is underway on the referenced database
SQLDMODBStat_Normal 0 Referenced database is available for use
SQLDMODBStat_Offline 512 Referenced database has been placed offline by a system or user action
SQLDMODBStat_Recovering 192 Database recovery is underway on the referenced database
SQLDMODBStat_Standby 1024 Referenced database defined on a standby server
SQLDMODBStat_Suspect 256 Database integrity is suspect for the referenced database