Bulk Copy Server Data File Constants (SQLDMO_SERVERBCP_DATAFILE_TYPE)

Bulk copy server data file constants specify data file format when importing data by using the BulkCopy object and the UseServerSideBCP property is True.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOBCPDataFile_Char 1 Read a data file as character data. Interpret the data file using the character set specified.
SQLDMOBCPDataFile_Default 1 SQLDMOBCPDataFile_Char.
SQLDMOBCPDataFile_Native 2 Assume bulk copy native data format when reading the data file.
SQLDMOBCPDataFile_WideChar 4 Read a data file as Unicode character data.
SQLDMOBCPDataFile_WideNative 8 Assume bulk copy wide native data format when reading the data file. Import treats all character data types as wide character (Unicode).