Database Compression Constants (SQLDMO_SHRINK_TYPE)

Database compression constants control the behavior of the Shrink method, optimizing method execution.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOShrink_Default 0 Data in pages located at the end of the file(s) is moved to pages earlier in the file(s). File(s) are truncated to reflect allocated space.
SQLDMOShrink_EmptyFile 3 Migrate all data from the referenced file to other files in the same filegroup.
SQLDMOShrink_NoTruncate 1 Data in pages located at the end of the file(s) is moved to pages earlier in the file(s).
SQLDMOShrink_TruncateOnly 2 Data distribution is not affected. File(s) are truncated to reflect allocated space, recovering free space at the end of any file.

See Also

Shrink Method