Meta Data Services Programming

DTD for the OIM Namespace

This is a sample Document Type Definition (DTD) for the Open Information Model (OIM) namespace used by the encoding.

<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!--                         XML Encoding                          -->
<!--                for the Open Information Model                 -->
<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->

<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!-- Transfer                                                      -->
<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!-- A transfer is a unit of exchange in OIM. Transfers might be   -->
<!-- nested.                                                       -->
<!ELEMENT Transfer ( TransferHeader?, ( ANY | Transfer )* ) >
<!ATTLIST Transfer 
      version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"
<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!-- TransferHeader                                                -->
<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!-- A transfer header is used to specify all necessary information   -->
<!-- to define the origin of a transfer in a structured way.       -->
<!-- Exporter         Name of software that generated the transfer -->
<!-- ExporterVersion  Version of software that generated transfer  -->
<!-- TransferDateTime  Date and time that the transfer was created -->
<!ELEMENT TransferHeader (ANY)>
<!ATTLIST TransferHeader
       Exporter CDATA #IMPLIED 
       ExporterVersion CDATA #IMPLIED 
       TransferDateTime CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!-- Classes                                                       -->
<!-- _____________________________________________________________ -->
<!-- Classes are output as XML elements. They should all have id,  -->
<!-- objid, href and sequence number as predefined XML attributes. -->
<!-- Unfortunately the DTD grammar does not specify this.          -->
<!-- so these attributes are shown here as an example. The oim:    -->
<!-- namespace qualifier for the predefined attribute is only      -->
<!-- included when one of the predefined attribute has a naming    -->
<!-- conflict with the attributes on the class                     -->
<!-- <!ATTLIST typename                                            -->
<!--                    [oim:]id ID #REQUIRED                      -->
<!--                    [oim:]objid CDATA #IMPLIED                 -->
<!--                    [oim:]href CDATA #IMPLIED                  -->
<!--                    [oim:]seqno CDATA #IMPLIED                 -->
<!--                    [oim:]label CDATA #IMPLIED                 -->
<!--                    [oim:]supertype CDATA #IMPLIED             -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- End of DTD __________________________________________________ -->

See Also

Using XML Encoding

XML Encoding Reference

XML in Meta Data Services