Meta Data Services Programming

IExport::Item Method

This method allows the client to access elements within the list of objects to be exported.

COM Syntax

      VARIANT Index,
      IRepositoryObject **ppRO


Index [in]

A variable that contains the object sequence in the object list. This parameter can be a zero-based numeric index, an object identifier (OBJID), or a string-based OBJID.

ppRO [out, retval]

A pointer to a repository object.

Return Value

S_OK indicates successful completion.

An error value indicates that the method failed to complete successfully. For more information, see XML Encoding Errors.

Automation Syntax

In Automation, the Item method is attached to the IExport object and has the following syntax:

   Set variable = object.Item(index)

The Item method syntax has the following parts.

Parameter Description
object An object declared as MSMDCXML.Export.
variable An object expression that evaluates to a RepositoryObject object.
Index A variable declared as variant. It contains the object sequence number, string ObjectId, or OBJID in the object list.

See Also

XML Import Export