Meta Data Services Programming

IExport::Count Property

This method is used to obtain the number of objects that have been added to the export list. In COM, it is called as a method that returns a property. In Automation, it is used as the read-only property of an object.

COM Syntax

HRESULT get_Count(
      long *pVal


pVal [out, retval]

A pointer to the location of the number of objects in the export list is stored.

Return Value

S_OK indicates successful completion.

An error value indicates that the method failed to complete successfully. For more information, see XML Encoding Errors.

Automation Syntax

In Automation, this property has the following syntax:

   variable = object.Count

The Count property syntax has the following parts.

Parameter Description
object An object declared as MSMDCXML.Export
variable A long variable that contains the value of the Count property

See Also

XML Import Export