Meta Data Services Programming

VersionedRelationship Object

A relationship connects two repository objects in a repository database. A relationship has an origin object, a destination object, and a set of properties. Each relationship conforms to a particular relationship type. You can version a relationship using this object.

When to Use

Use the VersionedRelationship object to manipulate the properties of a versioned relationship, to delete a versioned relationship, or to refresh the cached image of a versioned relationship.

Property Description
Destination The destination object of the relationship
Interface The specified object interface
Name The name of the relationship's destination object
Origin The origin object of the relationship
Repository The open repository instance through which this relationship was instantiated
Source The source object of the relationship
Target The target object of the relationship
Type The type of the relationship

Method Description
Delete Deletes a relationship
Lock Locks the relationship
Pin Establishes a particular item in the TargetVersions collection as the pinned target version of the relationship
Unpin Ensures that no item in the TargetVersions collection is pinned

Collection Description
Properties The collection of all of the properties that are attached to the relationship
TargetVersions The collection of all versions of the target object that are related to the source object version of the relationship

See Also

Relationship Object

Versioning Objects