Meta Data Services Programming

VersionCol Item Property

This property retrieves an item from the collection. This is a read-only property. There are three variations of this property.


Set variable  =  object.Item(index)
variable  =  object.Item(objectId)
variable  =  object.Item(objectVersionId)

The Item property syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
variable A variable declared as a RepositoryObjectVersion, or as any object that implements the IrepositoryObjectVersion interface. It receives the item.
object The version collection.
index The index of the item to be retrieved from the collection.
objectId The object identifier for the object version or workspace to be retrieved from the collection. You can supply an objectID only for the Versions-of-Workspace collection, the Workspaces-of-Version collection, or the Checkouts-of-Workspace collection.
objectVersionId The object-version identifier for the item to be retrieved from the collection. You can supply an objectVersionID for any version collection.

See Also

Accessing Automation Object Members

Kinds of Version Collections

VersionCol Object