This property retrieves an item from the collection. This is a read-only property. There are three variations of this property.
Set variable = object.Item(index)
Set variable = object.Item(objectId)
Set variable = object.Item(objectVersionId)
The Item property syntax has the following parts.
Part | Description |
variable | A variable declared as a RepositoryObjectVersion, or as any object that implements the IrepositoryObjectVersion interface. It receives the item. |
object | The version collection. |
index | The index of the item to be retrieved from the collection. |
objectId | The object identifier for the object version or workspace to be retrieved from the collection. You can supply an objectID only for the Versions-of-Workspace collection, the Workspaces-of-Version collection, or the Checkouts-of-Workspace collection. |
objectVersionId | The object-version identifier for the item to be retrieved from the collection. You can supply an objectVersionID for any version collection. |