Meta Data Services Programming

ReposTypeLib CreateInterfaceDef Method

The CreateInterfaceDef method creates a new interface definition object. Use the AddInterface method of the ClassDef object to attach the interface to a class definition object.


Set variable  =  object.CreateInterfaceDef(sObjId, Name, sIId, Ancestor)

The CreateInterfaceDef method syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
variable A variable declared as an InterfaceDef object. It receives the new interface definition.
object An object expression that evaluates to a ReposTypeLib object.
sObjId The object identifier to be assigned to the new interface definition object. If this parameter is set to OBJID_NULL, the repository engine assigns an object identifier for you.
Name The name of the interface that is to be created.
sIId The interface identifier associated with the signature for this interface. If there is none, set this parameter to zero.
Ancestor The base interface from which the new interface is derived.

See Also

ClassDef AddInterface Method

InterfaceDef Object

Object Identifiers and Internal Identifiers

ReposTypeLib Object