Meta Data Services Programming

ReposRoot Object

There is one root object in each repository. The root object is the starting point for navigating to other objects in the repository. The root object is also the starting point for two kinds of data navigation: type data navigation and instance data navigation.

To facilitate navigation, the root object in all repositories always has the same object identifier. The symbolic name for this object identifier is OBJID_ReposRootObj.

A ReposRoot object is also a RepositoryObject and a RepositoryObjectVersion object. In addition to the members described here, you can access members that are defined for those objects. For more information about accessing a member of an interface that is not the default interface, see Accessing Automation Object Members.

When to Use

Use the ReposRoot object to:

Method Description
CreateTypeLib Creates an empty repository type library that you can use to define a new information model

Collection Description
ReposTypeLibs The collection of repository type libraries that are currently stored in the repository
Properties The collection of all persistent properties that are attached to the ReposRoot object
Workspaces The collection of all workspaces present in the repository

See Also

IReposRoot Interface

RepositoryObject Object

RepositoryObjectVersion Object