Meta Data Services Programming

ReposProperty IsMostDerived Property

This Boolean property returns a flag that indicates whether the property is the most derived member of a base member. Member derivations are scoped to branches in the version graph. For example, if there are two branches and each one has derived members, the IsMostDerived property returns True for each branch. For more information about base and derived members, see Member Delegation. This property is read-only.

This property is not attached to the default interface for the repository Automation object; it is attached to the IReposProperty2 interface. For more information about accessing a member of an interface that is not the default interface, see Accessing Automation Object Members.


Set variable = object.IsMostDerived

The IsMostDerived property syntax has the following part.

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to a ReposProperty object

See Also

IReposProperty2 Interface

ReposProperty Object