Meta Data Services Programming

MethodDef CreateParameterDef Method

This method creates a ParameterDef object for a method definition.


Set variable  =  object.CreateParameterDef(sObjID, Name, Type, Flags, Description, Default)

The CreateParameterDef method syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
variable A variable declared as a ParameterDef object. It receives the new parameter definition.
object An object expression that evaluates to a MethodDef object.
sObjId The object identifier to be used for the new parameter definition object. The repository engine will assign an object identifier if you set this parameter to OBJID_NULL.
name The name of the new parameter.
type The data type of the new parameter.
flags The attributes of the new parameter. For more information about flag values and descriptions, see ParameterDef Flags Property.
description An alternate description of the parameter that replaces the generic, default string that is generated by the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services Software Development Kit (SDK). This string is placed into an IDL file.
default A string denoting the default value for the new parameter.

See Also

Assigning Object Identifiers

MethodDef Object

Object Identifiers and Internal Identifiers