Meta Data Services Programming

InterfaceDef CreateAlias Method

This method creates a new alias and attaches it to the interface definition.


Set variable  =  object.CreateAlias(sObjId, name, dispId, base)

The CreateAlias method syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
variable A variable declared as an Alias object. It receives the new alias definition.
object An object expression that evaluates to an InterfaceDef object.
sObjId The object identifier to be used for the new alias object. The repository engine will assign an object identifier if you set this parameter to OBJID_NULL.
name A string that stores the name of the new alias. Also, the name of the InterfaceDef object containing the base member.
dispId The dispatch identifier to be used for accessing the new alias.
base A string that stores the name of the interface member upon which the alias is based.

See Also

Alias Object

InterfaceDef Object

Object Identifiers and Internal Identifiers