Meta Data Services Programming

IWorkspace Containers Collection

This collection specifies the containers of this workspace. The collection contains exactly one item, the root object.

Dispatch Identifier:   DISPID_WorkspaceContainers (85)


Although the collection's maximum size is defined as many, the collection always contains exactly one object, because CReposRoot is the only class that implements IWorkspaceContainer, and there is only one object (the root object) conforming to the CReposRoot class.

The following characteristics are true for this collection.

Collection characteristic Value Description
Relationship Type WsContainer_Contains_Workspace This is the type of relationship by which all items of the collection are connected to a common source object.
Source Is Origin No The source object for the collection is not the same as the origin object.
Minimum Collection Size One The minimum number of items that must be contained in the collection is one.
Maximum Collection Size Many The maximum number of items that can be contained in the collection is unlimited.
Sequenced Collection No As a destination collection, this does not have an explicitly defined sequence. Collections of origin objects are never sequenced.
Deletes Propagated No Deleting an origin object or a relationship in the collection does not cause the deletion of a corresponding destination object.
Destinations Named No The relationship type for the collection does not permit the naming of destination objects.
Case-Sensitive Names Not applicable Case-sensitive naming is not applicable for this collection.
Unique Names Not applicable Unique naming is not applicable for this collection.

See Also

IWorkspace Interface