Meta Data Services Programming

IViewClassDef ViewFlags Property

This property contains flags that determine the characteristics of a generated view that is based on a ClassDef object.

Dispatch Identifier:   DISPID_IViewClassDefViewFlags (376)

Property Data Type: long

The following table describes the bit flags allowed for the ViewFlags property.


Default value
GENERATE_RESOLVED_VIEW 1 0 Specifies whether to generate a view that supports version resolution.
GENERATE_NORESOLUTION_VIEW 2 0 Specifies whether to generate a view that does no version resolution. This flag should only be used on non-versioned repositories.
GENERATE_WORKSPACE_VIEW 4 0 Specifies whether to generate a view that is scoped for a workspace.
USE_VERSIONID_COLUMN 8 0 Specifies that the GENERATE_RESOLVED_VIEW view for this class includes a VersionID column to identify the version to which this object resolves.
USE_VERSION_FLAGS_COLUMN 16 0 Specifies whether to include Z_VState_Z of RTblVersion in the GENERATE_RESOLVED_VIEW view, indicating whether the version is frozen or checked out to a workspace.

See Also

Defining a Class View

IViewInterfaceDef Interface

ViewName Property