Meta Data Services Programming


This error occurs for query time-outs and transaction time-outs. If you are querying a repository database, the amount of time that the repository engine waits for a query to complete elapsed before the query returned a result. To continue, increase the query time-out value.

If you are attempting to start a transaction, your transaction timed out while waiting to begin. To continue, either increase the start transaction time-out value and retry the transaction or wait for the item to become available and then retry the transaction.

For more information about transaction options, see TransactionFlags Enumeration. For more information about changing the transaction time-out values, see RepositoryTransaction SetOption Method or IRepositoryTransaction::SetOption.

Note  DTS users and other tool users who issue queries for large amounts of data can set a registry key to workaround this error. In this case, create a new entry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Repository\Engine\ODBCQueryTimeout and set it to large value. Query time-out values are measured in seconds.