These constants are defined for repository engine classes, interfaces, and objects.
Constant | Value | Description |
CARD_NOLIMIT | 0xFFFF | Specifies that a collection can have an unlimited number of items. |
COLUMNNAMESIZE | 32 or 255 | The maximum length, in bytes, of an SQL column name.
Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 6.5 allows 32 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 255 bytes. |
INTID_NULL | 0xFFFFFFFF | The null internal identifier. |
MEMBERNAMESIZE | 64 or 128 | The maximum length, in bytes, of a property, method, or collection type name.
SQL Server 6.5 allows 64 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 128 bytes. |
OBJID_NULL | See Reptim.h | The null object identifier. Use this value when you want the repository engine to assign an object identifier for you. |
PASSWORDSIZE | 64 | The maximum length, in bytes, of the password string that is used to connect to the repository database. |
PROPVALSIZE | 220 | The maximum length, in bytes, of an annotational property string. |
RELSHIPNAMESIZE | 249 or 260 | The maximum length, in bytes, of a name that a relationship assigns to its destination object.
SQL Server 6.5 allows 249 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 260 bytes. |
REPOSERROR_OBJKNOWN | 0x00000001L | Returned in the fFlags field of the REPOSERROR structure. It indicates that the object identifier is known. |
REPOSERROR_SQLINFO | 0x00000002L | Returned in the fFlags field of the REPOSERROR structure. It indicates that the SQL error information is valid. |
REPOSERROR_HELPAVAIL | 0x00000004L | Returned in the fFlags field of the REPOSERROR structure. It indicates that the rcHelpFile and dwHelpContext fields are valid. |
REPOSERROR_MSG_SIZE | 256 | The maximum length, in bytes, of the message in the rcMsg field of the REPOSERROR structure. |
TABLENAMESIZE | 32 or 255 | The maximum length, in bytes, of an SQL table name.
SQL Server 6.5 allows 32 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 255 bytes. |
TIMESTAMP_NULL | {9999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0} | The null timestamp value. |
TYPEINFONAMESIZE | 64 or 128 | The maximum length, in bytes, of a class, interface, or relationship type name.
SQL Server 6.5 allows 64 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 128 bytes. |
TYPELIBNAMESIZE | 64 or 128 | The maximum length, in bytes, of a repository type library name.
SQL Server 6.5 allows 64 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 128 bytes. |
USERSIZE | 64 or 128 | The maximum length, in bytes, of the user name that is used to connect to the repository database.
SQL Server 6.5 allows 64 bytes. SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 allow 128 bytes. |
VIEWNAMESIZE | 128 | The maximum length, in bytes, of a user-defined view name. |
COLPREFIXSIZE | 119 | The maximum length, in bytes, of a prefix that identifies a relationship in a generated view. |
CollectionDefFlags Enumeration