Meta Data Services Programming

Resolution Strategy for Objects and Object Versions

When you retrieve an object or navigate to an object, the repository engine returns an interface pointer to a specific version of that object. You can explicitly ask for a particular version, or you can rely on the repository engine to choose a version of the object for you. For example, you may have repository objects that do not explicitly provide version information (instances of RepositoryObject do not provide version information). When objects lack specific version information, the repository engine can choose an instance for you.

If the repository engine chooses for you, it can choose any of the following:

You can predict how the repository engine selects an object version to return to you:

The following topics discuss how the repository engine chooses among versions of an item.

Topic Description
Requesting a Specific Version Explains how to select a specific version
Resolution While Operating Within a Workspace Explains how the repository engine selects an object from a workspace
Resolution While Operating Outside a Workspace Explains how the repository engine selects an object from a centralized, shared repository

See Also

IRepositoryObject Interface

IRepositoryObjectVersion Interface

Navigating a Repository

RepositoryObject Object

RepositoryObjectVersion Object

Versioning Objects