Navigating the Version Graph
You can navigate a version graph by traversing collections. For more information about the kinds of collections that contain versioned objects, see Kinds of Version Collections.
The repository engine supports navigation of the version graph in the following ways:
- Every object version has a collection of successor versions, the other versions of the same object that immediately follow in the version graph. In the following figure, Version 5 has two successor versions, Version 9 and Version 7. An object version's set of successor versions can be null. For example, Version 11 has no successors.
- Every object version has a collection of predecessor versions, the other versions of the same object that immediately precede it in the version graph. In the preceding figure, for example, Version 11 has three predecessor versions: Version 9, Version 7, and Version 10.
- Every object version (except Version 1) has a predecessor creation version, the predecessor version from which the current object version was created. For example, of Version 11's three predecessor versions, only Version 9 is its predecessor creation version.
- Every object version has a collection of object versions, the entire set of versions of the object.
See Also
Branches in the Version Graph
Navigating a Repository
Version Graph
Versioning Objects