A repository object and a repository object version are either COM or Automation objects known to a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services repository and managed by the repository engine. When you instantiate any object, whether it is a repository engine object or an object from your information model, the repository engine instantiates it as a repository object or repository object version.
You can manipulate a repository object or object version instance from Automation or COM programs using RepositoryObject and RepositoryObjectVersion classes, objects, and interfaces. You can also use the ObjectCol or VersionCol collections.
Repository Type Information Model (RTIM) objects and repository engine objects are instantiated as RepositoryObject objects.
All object instances that are defined by your information model can be instantiated as RepositoryObjectVersion objects. Doing so enables you to create and manipulate historical or alternate versions of an object instance. In previous releases of the repository engine, both versioned and nonversioned objects were supported. The nonversioned repository object is maintained for backward compatibility purposes. In SQL Server 2000 Meta Data Services, object instances that you instantiate as either repository objects or repository object versions are functionally equivalent.
By default, most repository interfaces work with the latest version of an object. A few interfaces, such as IRepositoryObjectVersion, work with specific versions that you specify.
IRepositoryObjectVersion Interface