Meta Data Services Programming

Property Definition Objects

A property definition object defines a property. Each property has an interface that exposes it, and each interface can expose many properties.

In a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services repository, a property definition object exposes properties, a collection of enumeration objects, a collection of scripts, and a collection of aliases.

You can define properties that provide enumerated values or that use script to validate a property value. You can also reuse a property in a new context by assigning it an alias.

In the following example, the IParagraph interface exposes two properties, Left Margin and Right Margin. Both Left Margin and Right Margin are represented in a repository as property definition objects.

You can access a property definition object from Automation or COM programs using the PropertyDef object, the PropertyDef class, or the IPropertyDef and IPropertyDef2 interfaces.

See Also

IPropertyDef Interface

PropertyDef Class

PropertyDef Object

Repository Object Architecture