Meta Data Services Programming

Accessing Repository Objects

Access to repository objects is supported at both the COM and Automation level, as shown in the following table.

To Use
Create an object The CreateObject method of the IRepository interface.
Retrieve an object The Object property of the IRepository interface.
Delete an object The Delete method of the IRepositoryItem interface.
Obtain the value of an early-bound object property (Automation) The syntax variable =, as for any Automation object property.

(COM) The get_PropertyName method of the COM interface to which the property is attached, where PropertyName is the name of the property to be retrieved. You can also use the late-bound property access method.

Obtain the value of a late-bound object property (that is, the object class is not in an available type library) (Automation) The syntax variable =, as for any Automation object property.

(COM) The standard Automation method-invocation technique to invoke the get_PropertyName method, where PropertyName is the name of the property to be retrieved. Because all Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services interfaces that expose late-bound properties are indirectly derived from the IDispatch interface, the GetIDsOfNames and Invoke methods are available for use.

Set the value of an early-bound object property (Automation) The syntax = value, as for any Automation object property.

(COM) The put_PropertyName method of the COM interface to which the property is attached, where PropertyName is the name of the property to be set. You can also use the late-bound property access method.

Set the value of a late-bound object property (that is, the object class is not in an available type library) (Automation) The syntax = value, as for any Automation object property.

(COM) The standard Automation method-invocation technique to invoke the put_PropertyName method, where PropertyName is the name of the property to be set. Because all Meta Data Services interfaces that expose late-bound properties are indirectly derived from the IDispatch interface, the GetIDsOfNames and Invoke methods are available for use.

Retrieve the object identifier of an object The ObjectID property of the IRepositoryObject interface.
Retrieve the version identifier of an object The VersionID property of the IRepositoryVersion interface.
Set the object identifier of an object The object identifier, which is passed as a parameter when creating the object.
Retrieve the internal identifier of an object The InternalID property of the IRepositoryObject interface.

See Also

Accessing Properties

Navigating a Repository

Versioning Objects