An object version can participate in a workspace in two ways:
Each workspace has a Versions collection containing the object versions present in the workspace. Use the Add method to include an object version in a workspace; use Remove to exclude an object version.
Note An object version can be present in more than one workspace. Each object version has a Workspaces collection containing the workspaces in which the object is present.
When an object version is checked out to a workspace, you can modify that object version only while operating in the workspace. Each workspace has a Checkouts collection containing the object versions checked out to the workspace. Use the Checkout and Checkin methods to control the contents of the Checkouts collection.
Note An object version can be checked out to no more than one workspace, and it can be checked out only to a workspace in which it is already present. Even when you check out an object version to a workspace, that object version can remain present in many other workspaces.
Workspaces support various kinds of collections that determine the scope of a workspace. For more information about the collections you can access in a workspace, see Retaining Workspace Context.