View definitions can be defined for a shared repository and for workspaces. Flags that you specify on each interface determine the number and type of views that are generated and whether implied interfaces are included in the view.
For each class, interface, and relationship class, you can define three kinds of views.
Kind of view | Description |
Workspace | A view that is scoped by a workspace, so it includes only objects that are contained by the workspace. This view is defined when you set GENERATE_WORKSPACE_VIEW. |
Version Resolved | A view that supports version resolution, so it includes only the latest version of each object in the shared repository. This view is defined when you set the GENERATE_RESOLVED_VIEW. For more information, see Version Resolution for Generated Views. |
Unresolved | A view that does not support resolution, to be used only when the repository is not versioned or when you know that version information does not exist or is unimportant. This view is defined when you set the GENERATE_NORESOLUTION_VIEW.
Running an unresolved view against a versioned repository returns multiple entries (that is, all versions of all meta data instances are returned). |
Note These views are not mutually exclusive; you can create all three, depending on your requirements.
Choosing one kind of view over another can have an effect on performance. For more information, see View Hints.