Before you define a derived member, verify that conditions supporting the implementation are in place.
The following requirements apply to all derived members.
For property definitions, storage data types and lengths of derived properties must be the same as those of the base property.
Because a derived collection must map to a base collection, the derived collection and base collection must have correspondent characteristics.
The following requirements apply to derived collections.
A derived origin collection must map to a base origin collection, and a derived destination collection must map to a base destination collection.
A derived collection can be connected by way of a relationship only to another derived collection. However, a derived collection cannot be connected to a base (stored) collection.
A derived collection definition must be defined in the same transaction as the collection from which it was derived, on the same relationship.
Two derived relationships can specialize the same base relationship and have their collections on the same pair of interfaces. However, because only the generalized relationship is stored in the relationship table (RTblRelships), instances of the two specialized relationships are indistinguishable.
A derived collection must be identical to the base collection with regard to naming characteristics. If the base collection specifies unique naming, the derived collection must also contain uniquely named items. Furthermore, if you add items to a base collection by way of the derived collection, you must verify that the items you add do not break the unique naming constraints of the base collection. For more information, see Naming and Unique-Naming Collections.
A derived collection must be identical to the base collection with regard to sequencing characteristics. Inserting an item into a derived sequenced collection inserts the new relationship into the base collection immediately after its predecessor in the derived collection. Also, moving an item in the derived collection moves the item in the base collection immediately after its predecessor in the derived collection. For more information, see Sequenced Collections.
The delete propagation semantics of a derived collection must be the same as the base collection. For more information, see Propagating Deletes.
The version propagation semantics of a derived collection must be the same as the base collection. For more information, see Propagating Versions.
Example: Basic Member Delegation